Page 38 of Keys To My Cuffs

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“And what exactly did you have to say?” I asked just as smoothly.

My outer tone didn’t portray the inner turmoil. What was he going to say? Did he know something I didn’t?

“You know, you’re not the only one who watched that neighborhood,” he said in a bored tone.

Outwardly, I was as cool as a cucumber, but inwardly, I was wary. On the edge of my seat. Where was he going with this?

“Is that right?” I asked.

“Yep. Saw you watching that girl next door to you. Saw you running behind her every morning. Saw that your windows are real close to each other’s,” he smiled widely.

My body froze. My lungs stopped producing the oxygen that my blood needed. Everything in me came to a standstill, waiting to see where he was going with this.

My jaw tightened until it was clenched so hard my molars hurt.

“I was just wanting to make an observation. You can have the lawyer brought in,” he smiled.

Standing up stiffly, I walked to the door and opened it.

Once they were seated, I left.

I was no longer needed, and I was in a hurry to make sure Channing was all right.


The drive took less than nine minutes.

I’d just pulled onto the street that ran outside our subdivision when I saw her sitting down on the curb. I would’ve passed her by had she not fallen backwards as I passed.

She was wearing a tight pair of black running shorts and an oversized t-shirt, and her hot pink running shoes that she always wore when she ran.

Pulling over quickly, I came to a stop directly in front of her and shut the engine off.

“Jesus Christ,” I snapped. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” she wheezed. “I just forgot my inhaler; I needed to take a break before it got too bad.”

Reaching for her hand, I lifted her up until she was in a sitting position. “Get on, I’ll take you home.”

I was relieved. Not that she was having an asthma attack, but that she was alive tohavean asthma attack.

“Loki, you said we couldn’t be seen together. You made me promise, in fact. What’re you doing?” She asked breathlessly.

I got her to her feet and directed her to sit in front of me so I could keep an eye on her on the last mile stretch of road before we reached our homes.

She sat stiffly for all of three seconds before leaning back against me and resting her head on my chest.

We rode back slowly. Pulling into her driveway, nearly up to the house, I shut the bike off and helped her stand before following her.

“Loki, seriously, what the hell are you doing?” She asked alarmed.

“Inside, I’ll tell you there,” I rushed out.

She looked at me worriedly, but walked into the house.

Without punching in the code to her alarm.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I said, “Please tell me you didn’t leave your house unarmed.”
