Page 122 of A Doctor for Daisy

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“Let’s detour over here,” Theo said to her when they got close to Main Street.

“What?” she asked. “Why?”

“Because I’ve got something else I want to do. Something that will make our own history. Unless you need to finish the whole tour. We can if you want.”

She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but since he seemed a bit nervous she figured she’d just go along with him.

“I’d follow you anywhere,” she said.

What she didn’t think was that he’d be pulling her into the pizza place where they’d exchanged numbers.

“Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

“No,” he said. “I need to do something else.”

She looked around and saw Mrs. Ricci behind the counter where she normally sat and rang everyone out. It was fairly slow this late at night and the place would be closing soon. Looked to only have employees right now.

“I didn’t think you were going to make it back here,” Mrs. Ricci said to Theo.

“No way I would miss this,” he said.

Mrs. Ricci pulled out a box from behind the counter and handed it over to Theo.

“Oh, you were hungry,” Daisy said.

“No,” he said. Theo flipped the top on the box and she saw a personal pan pizza in the shape of a heart. In the center was a hole cut out and a ring box neatly sitting there.

“Oh my God,” she said.

“Yeah, I know. It’s corny, but I wanted something that you’d always remember. Maybe something fun that you’d never expect.”

“I’ll never forget this,” she said.

He pulled the ring box out, flipped the lid and she knew right away her boss made the ring. It was a diamond band and in the center was a one carat diamond with smaller yellow diamonds in the shape of petals all around it.

She’d never seen anything like this and knew only one person that had the talent to make it perfect.

He took the ring out and grabbed her hand. “Daisy Jones. Will you take this ring and be my wife?”

“Yes,” she said, crying. “This ring. How did you get Rose to do this?”

“I designed it,” he said. “I’ve got a lot of talents. I told her what I wanted and she pulled it together. Now you’ll have your signature daisy on forever.”

“I’m never taking it off,” she said. “Ever.”

“Just like I’m never letting you go. Ever.”

“I told him, Daisy. That you’d be good for him. I was right,” Mrs. Ricci said, cracking a grin.

“I guess we know who the smartest of us all is,” he said.

The End!
