Page 13 of Begin Again

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The double vanity could be replaced, but again, nothing horrible considering the rest of the house.

“It’s more than livable,” he said.

“It’s the only bathroom that is,” she said, laughing. “Trust me. We’ve got lime green in the hall bath. I kid you not. It reminds me of that Nickelodeon slime.”

They moved down the hall and he burst out laughing when he saw what she was talking about. “Functional and clean though.”

“It’s both. Just ugly as sin.” They walked through the other three guest rooms and then down to the basement. “And the final segment of the tour.”

“Damn,” he said.

“The wood paneling is the best part. Check out the room and bathroom in the back.”

He was laughing as he moved through the big family room complete with shag carpeting and a large bar in the corner that looked to have come out of the seventies...before the house was even built.

“Well, you do have your work cut out for you,” he said. “What does the backyard look like?”

“I’m not even thinking of the outside of the house,” she said. “But let me show you.”


Potential and Possibilities

Christian let his mind drift like dandelion fluff blowing through the meadow in a windstorm with the potential and possibilities on this house.

He was even more annoyed he’d lost the house but couldn’t be that Liz got it.

She saw the same vision in things as him.

She was going to keep the original wood throughout. The floors had been taken good care of and she had a few throw rugs in the family room and her bedroom.

She wasn’t going to rip out walls and paint over the oak.

What he couldn’t figure out was how she could afford to do much at all.

He’d seen the used furnishings. Though nurses made good money, they didn’t make enough money to buy and rehab houses like this. Not without some seed money.

But what did he know? She was divorced and he had no clue about her life prior.

“Now this is what I’m talking about,” he said when they went out the back door and onto the deck.

The yard wasn’t big, but it was landscaped well. Not overly fussy and wouldn’t take a lot to maintain, but he could already see where he’d have to do it.

Flowers to brighten it up.

A brick paver path to a nice fire pit off to the side.

“Not me,” she said. “It’s pretty and all, but I need low maintenance. My father is going to give me his old mower. He said it was time for a new one. As long as it works, I don’t care. It’s not much lawn to cut and take care of.”

“Nah,” he said, trying not to sound disappointed that she didn’t see what he could out here. The front had a lot of shrubs too, but again, easy maintenance.

“I can hear it in your voice,” she said, smirking at him.

“What?” he asked, turning to look at her.

He saw the young girl that had a twinkle in her eye years ago in their English class. He’d caught her staring at him a lot.

He noticed because he’d been looking at her too.
