Page 30 of Begin Again

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It didn’t matter though. Not when she was naked and riding the hot man under her.

Her hands went forward on the wood floor, her mouth to his, tasting herself on his lips. She’d never done that before and forgot she never wanted to. It didn’t seem to matter though because she couldn’t think of much when she was with him.

She started to bob up and down, his hips meeting hers. They were making a mess of the floor, but she didn’t care. Everything would clean up.

His hands went to her ass and held her down as he started to pound up into her. She had no choice but to just hold on and feel what he was doing. That he was working her back up again too.

“Tell me you’re close,” he said. He sounded as if he was in pain and she was going to tell him to just finish and she was fine. She’d already done it once.

But she knew when she looked into his eyes that he’d argue with her.

“Almost,” she said.

He rolled her so that she was on her back now. Damn, that was faster than she thought would happen.

His arms went under her thighs, lifting her up, him getting on his knees, and she felt open and exposed more than ever before.

Once he started to move his hips like pistons in her, she had no thoughts at all. She was almost trapped on top of it.

“Oh God,” she said as everything coiled up and unraveled at once.

Her eyes closed, which was too bad, as she wanted to watch him come.

Next time, she told herself, as she heard him grunting, then throbbing inside of her.

There was just his weight on her chest after, his heavy breathing in her ear.

He rolled again and had her on his chest.

“That might be the most exercise I’ve had in a while,” he said.

She started to laugh in a totally free way that only Christian could bring out of her.


Your First

“Are you sure she isn’t taking advantage of you?” Evan asked him a month later.

Christian had been seeing Liz now for almost two months.

Everyone knew. Not that he had to make an announcement, nor would he, but it happened organically. One person found out, then another and another.

The first was his mother when she asked why he was in such a good mood one day in the office. She’d been filling in and helping with Whitney out on maternity leave.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked his older brother.

“Parker tells me what is wrong daily, but in this case I’m just looking out for you.”

“If I knew you were going to be an asshole I would have gone and got some tools at the office rather than coming here.”

He was going to help Trevor and Liz take her kitchen apart this weekend. He’d finally talked her into going ahead with her kitchen. He’d said he’d help. It’s not like he had another project going on and Trevor was doing the bulk of the work.

All Christian was doing was guiding and offering a hand when he was around to do it. Which was on the weekends more than anything.

Liz had fought him tooth and nail over this. She didn’t want his help. She said she was going to hire someone, but he’d told her there was no reason if she could live without the kitchen.

“You’ve been dating her like two months and now you’re rehabbing her kitchen for her? That sounds like taking advantage of things.”
