Page 41 of Begin Again

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“I know,” she said. “But it’s been years.”

“Everyone is still the same as they used to be,” he said.

He just hoped his brother wasn’t an asshole like he’d been weeks ago.

At least when he’d dropped all the tools back off to Evan, his brother had apologized. He knew that was Parker’s doing, but he still appreciated it.

Since then Evan hadn’t said much more to him, but that didn’t mean something might not slip today.

It’d be his parents, he and Liz and Evan and Parker at the table. There’d be no hiding, he was positive.

Kaelyn wasn’t invited. She didn’t know Cash all that well other than a name. His sister could see Liz again another time.

They drove to the church where the ceremony was taking place and found a seat in the back. He wasn’t one to move up front and there was no reason to.

The ceremony was fast and they left to drive to the reception hall.

“That was nice and quick,” she said. “The best way to do it.”

He wanted to ask if hers was like that but knew it’d be insensitive. There was so much he wanted to know about her life during the past several years, but she was closed up like a vault with no oxygen inside.

The more comments that Trevor said around him, the more he started to wonder. It was as if Trevor was fishing too and that made no sense to him.

He’d told himself that if Liz wanted him to know, she’d tell him. He just had to wait her out.

“It was and is,” he said.

It was only a ten-minute drive to the reception hall. They found their name tags and then their tables. His brother and sister-in-law came in and sat next.

“How did you beat us here?” Evan asked.

“I was in the back,” he said.

“That’s where I wanted to be,” Evan said, “but Parker pulled me up by Mom and Dad.”

“Oh stop,” Parker said. “I don’t pull you anywhere you don’t want to go and you know it.”

His brother laughed. “Liz Carter, you remember Evan I’m sure. He’s hard to forget. This is his wife, Parker.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Liz said to Parker and shook her hand. “Good to see you again, Evan. You’ve barely aged.”

“Oh my God,” Parker said, laughing. “I love you already.”

Christian laughed at Liz’s remark. He wasn’t sure if she meant it as a joke or not, but her face flushed. “She is pretty great, isn’t she?” he said.

He was looking at Evan. “I’m like a fine wine. I just get better with age. Unlike my brother over here.”

“I could say the same about Christian,” she said, winking. “But the truth is, we are both the same age.”

“And you’re even lovelier than you were in high school,” he said. “I know. I was watching.”

Liz blushed again and he wasn’t sure why he’d admitted that.

“It was a long time ago,” she said.

“It was,” Parker said. “Christian tells us you’re an ER nurse. What a hard job you’ve got.”

“It has its moments,” she said. “But it’s rewarding too.”
