Page 53 of Begin Again

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Maybe bring up things she was trying to get past.

He moved over the pan of the cinnamon buns. They didn’t look that burned to her. Just a little toasty and she helped herself to one first.

“Are they okay?” he asked.

“Nice and yummy,” she said. “Have one.”

He picked one up and started to eat it. “What do you have planned today?”

“Not much,” she said. “I’ve got to go to work later. You know that.”

“Yep,” he said. “I’ll leave in the afternoon and let you get some sleep before your shift starts.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Did you and Tate decide on what you’re going to do with that house?”

He’d told her about it and that he was leaning toward walking away from it. She tried not to question him on too many things. That was his life, his time and his money.

He didn’t owe her anything. They’d only been dating a few months.

If she was starting to feel something deeper for him, she shoved it back.

She wasn’t so sure she was ready for it.

“I’ve got to talk to him later today again. I told him I’d think about it, but the truth is, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why?” she asked.

“First off, Tate can’t do the work that I can. He’d be helping, but I’d still be doing it.”

“Is that a problem? He’d be putting half the money up though.”

“Not a problem,” he said. “But I like making my own decisions. I don’t normally talk them over with someone else when it’s my project. That would take more planning than I do. I work on what I want when I’m ready.”

“I can see that point,” she said. She’d always known that about him before. She’d seen signs of it now too. She didn’t think that was a bad trait for people to have either. Not if it worked for them.

“The other problem is, there are three siblings to the estate and they can’t agree on a price. One is holding out for a lot more and wants to put work into the house to get it. Another one doesn’t want to and just wants to sell it because they don’t live around here. The third will sell it as is, but he thinks they can get more even though they wouldn’t have to pay a realtor.”

“Ahh,” she said. “Yeah, I’d want to knock that down too. They’d still get the same in the end.”

“That is what I said, but I’m not in the mood to fight it out and deal with people who can’t agree. Estate sales like that can be a headache. By now I would have had this settled and closed. They are dragging their feet and I can move on and do other things.”

“You aren’t doing anything else though,” she said.

Liz finished off her bun and then picked up the fork to start on her eggs.

Her headache was gone and she found she was starving this morning. She didn’t get to eat a big breakfast like this often.

“I thought since I wasn’t I could start your bathroom upstairs.”

The fork full of eggs stopped its journey to her mouth. “You know,” she said, “I think you are more obsessed with this house than I am.”

“What?” he asked. “No.”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ve told you a few times that I didn’t need help and yet I find you and my father here doing it anyway.”

“Your father asked me to help,” he said. “Do you want him doing it on his own?”

He was playing low saying that. “No. That’s not the point though. Even when he isn’t here, you’re here with me and then you suggest we do it together.”
