Page 53 of Saving You

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“Adam,” I whined as I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to climb him like a giant, fuckable, tattooed tree. He looked shocked for a moment before he caught on and scooped his arms beneath my thighs, hoisting me up his body.

Then, my back was against the wall and my wet core was pressed against the hot flesh of his abdomen. I rolled my hips, trying to push down on his cock but his grip was unyielding.

“Mia,” Adam’s firm tone had me looking up into his intense stare. “You going to move in with me like a good girl?” His jaw flexed and my pussy clenched in answer.

“I already said that I would!” I huffed in frustration, trying and failing to lower myself on him again.

The devilish smile I loved bloomed on his face. “Just making sure.”

I was ready to rip his hair out for teasing me until I was stuffed full of Adam’s glorious cock and he was using his strength to manipulate my body in a way that was sure to have me coming fast.

My breath stilled in my lungs, no sound escaping but the occasional grunt when he went especially deep. Adam didn’t seem to have the same problem, his filthy mouth was everything I hadn’t known I needed.

“Goddamn, I have to fight my way into this pussy every time. It doesn’t matter how often I fuck it, you’re always virgin tight, aren’t you, angel? So pretty, so wet, I’d have Nash tattoo it on my fucking chest if I wasn’t such a jealous son of a bitch. No one is seeing this pussy but me, it’s mine, just like the rest of you and I’m going to take such good care of it. Make sure she comes every night, starting right now. Go ahead, Mia, soak my dick with your cream and then I’m going to put mine so deep inside you it won’t ever come out.”

“Adam, yes!” I responded to his command, legs shaking from the intensity of the orgasm. He held my limp body up with one hand as he used the other to brace us against the wall. Then he grunted into my neck while he flooded me with warmth.

He pushed off the wall, wrapping his arms around me and walked us to the bed. We were almost there when he froze, muscles going tight.

“Ah, cramp!” I shrieked when he dropped me to the bed and grabbed his left ass cheek before falling next to me and sending me bouncing into the air.

He grimaced as he attempted to stretch out his leg and massage the muscle at the same time. I reached over and dug my knuckles in to help and he sighed in relief when the knot released. I couldn’t help giggling when he moaned, the sound not all that different from moments earlier.

“What’s so funny? None of those book boyfriends you talk about ever fuck their women so good they get an ass cramp?” I snorted, laughing harder and clutching my belly as tears rolled down my face. He swatted my butt playfully and started laughing with me.

“No, I can’t say that they do. Maybe we should keep some bananas and water in the bedroom just in case. This is real life after all, not a book.”

“Smart ass.” He knocked me to the bed and laid a soft kiss on my nose. “Thisisreal life, and it’s fucking perfect.”



My body shook with rage as the man who’d tied me up, naked, in my own house, the man who’d then beaten and stabbed me, carried the girl inside before closing the door.

I’d been so close, close enough to smell her scent, to touch her if I wanted. But the girl looked at me with suspicion from the moment she’d come to my table. I’d done everything right, worn one of my best suits, flashed my expensive watch, I’d even given her my most charming smile. Trash like her usually fell on my dick with one glimpse of my wealth. Apparently, Mia Delgado was a stuck-up bitch just like Angelica had been. Both of them thinking they were better than they were.

When she’d scurried away from me like a scared rabbit, I knew I had to leave or risk ruining my plans. I’d waited hours in the parking lot for the bar to close. If she wasn’t going to come to me willingly then I’d take her.

Turns out, when you’re awoken by your cleaning lady’s screams because she found you naked and bleeding on your own damn floor, you start thinking about revenge. After reaching out to some associates and forking over a shit ton of money, I was able to find out where my son and the bitch who’d stolen him lived. A shitty, small town called Little Falls.

I’d always detested children, they were loud, smelly and expensive. When Angelica had told me she was pregnant, I’d been furious. Then I’d started to think of all the ways I could use the child, at the very least to make sure Angelica behaved. But, she’d run from me, taking the baby with her. And no one took what belonged to me. Angelica knew that and she’d paid the ultimate price for her sins.

My original plan had been to have the woman killed and my son brought to me. Once I’d seen a picture of Mia Delgado, a new desire took place. She was undoubtedly beautiful and I liked to collect pretty things, to break them, to snuff out their innocence.

There was only one complication and I was currently hiding in his bushes like a common thief. I should have known that bastard was fucking her. She was probably trading her pussy for protection for her and the boy. I needed to find weak spots, pinpoint the places where they thought they were safe.

As I drove away, I placed a call. “It’s me, I need some assistance.”



“No,” I growled as I stared across the table at the man who was not only my friend but my boss.

“No? Just a few weeks ago you were begging for out-of-town assignments, now I hand you one on a platter and all you have to say is ‘no’?” Gray scrubbed his hand down his face and shot me an exasperated look. I should feel bad, it couldn’t be easy being the boss of a bunch of grumpy assholes like us. Still, my answer was no.

“Things have changed. I’ll take whatever’s local.”
