Page 21 of There I Find Love

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Chapter 8

Lana Landry lookedup the attic stairs as her daughter came down. To her surprise, there were heavier footsteps coming down behind, and a man’s shadowy form appeared.

Clara had texted about using it, but Lana had forgotten. Sometimes Clara stayed just because she liked it, or sometimes one of her siblings asked to use the cottage. Either way, all of her children knew that the attic room was always open to them and their guests.

“Mom, I wanted you to meet my boss, Alexander Hudson.”

Lana tried hard not to look as shocked as she felt. Clara had worked for the man for more than seven years, and Lana had heard her share of Clara talking about how demanding and intense he was. She did compliment him on his business skills and on his integrity. He was always honest and upright, according to Clara. And Clara would not lie. Clara seemed intimidated by him, almost in awe. Sometimes Lana wondered if maybe she had a crush on him, but Clara had never said.

Seven years seemed like an awful long time to have a crush on someone, and Lana had figured she’d outgrown it. However, she knew that Clara had been struggling with whether or not to accept the raise and transfer Mr. Hudson had offered her.

“Mr. Hudson, this is my mom, Lana.”

“Lana, call me Alex.” He looked over at Clara, and there was something in his eyes that made Lana’s heart hope. Something in the way he looked at her daughter that said that there was more than met the eye to their relationship. At least on his side.

Clara’s brows shot up, and Lana wouldn’t have been surprised to see them bounce off the ceiling. Anytime Clara talked about her boss, it had always been “Mr. Hudson.” She never called him Alexander, and if anyone called him Alex, Lana didn’t know about it.

“All right... Alex.”

Clara’s lips turned up in what Lana felt was a forced smile. Clara was trying to look relaxed when she was anything but.

Lana stepped in, holding out her hand. “Alex. It’s so nice to meet you. I hear Clara talking about you all the time. She never has anything bad to say about your integrity or your business practices, which is so impressive in today’s world. From what I understand, everything you’ve gotten, you’ve gotten honestly, and you’ve worked hard for it. I’m impressed.”

If possible, Alex almost looked embarrassed. Lana had to smother a giggle. She would guess that he wasn’t used to being embarrassed, but there wasn’t anything she’d said that wasn’t the truth.

“Well... Thank you. I...didn’t know that Clara had so many good things to say about me.”

Clara didn’t say unkind things about anyone, but Lana didn’t mention that.

“She just loves to work, and she loves her job. But I’m sure she told you she doesn’t particularly care for the city.”

“She told me that today. I guess it’s my fault that I never even thought to think about it before this. I feel bad about that.”

“I don’t hate it. I just... I like coming home.” Clara smiled and looked between the two of them. She seemed to like that they were getting along okay. It made Lana wonder if maybe she was right and Clara really did have a thing for her boss.

“I’m sure you heard then that I’d asked her to move to the Cities?”

“I’m really hoping you don’t take my daughter away from us. Our family is...close.”
