Page 68 of There I Find Love

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“You could more than ‘like’ me?”

She paused while his heart hammered in his chest.

“I think I already do.”

He allowed the breath he had been holding to blow out slowly. “That’s good to hear because I love you. I have for a while, but the move and all the things that have happened have made me see what I couldn’t before. I’d rather give up everything in my company than lose you.”

He stepped closer and put a hand on her waist. She didn’t move away.

“Do you think there’s a future for us?”

“Aren’t you going to allow me to tell you that I love you?”

His laugh was nervous. “I wasn’t sure you did. I...didn’t want to hear you say you needed to think about it.”

“I love you. I’ve had a crush on you forever, but it would be impossible to know where you came from, what you’ve done and see the integrity and character with which you’ve done it and not fall in love with you.” She put her hand on his chest, then slid it up to his shoulder, stepping closer. “So, yes. I see a future for us. I’m not sure what that looks like, because I don’t want you giving up everything for me, but I definitely see us together. We can work something out, can’t we?”

“I know I can. Anything is on the table to be cut in order for me to be with you. You’re that important to me.”

“And I don’t want any of those things to be cut unless it’s something that you want to let go.”

“Maybe if we have kids I can be a stay at home dad while you create art during the day and hang out with us at night.”

“Kids?” she squeaked out, and he realized that maybe he should kiss her first before he started talking about things like kids and forever.

“Kiss?” he said.

“Kiss and kids?”

“Kiss first. Kids...we’ll talk about that.”

She smiled and lifted her head while his lowered and he kissed her while the waves rolled and the breeze blew and the horses on the hill ate like his world hadn’t just shifted in the very best way possible. Clara was going to be with him and they were going to plan a future together. It hardly seemed possible, but he stopped trying to figure that out and just enjoyed kissing her instead.


Kristen flipped anegg and tried unsuccessfully not to listen to the conversation behind her.
