Page 34 of Escape from Amazdom

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As I steady myself, Fej lunges again, his aggression relentless. His attacks are calculated and precise, but I block them with ease. I won't let Fej's assaults break me.

With a burst of grit, I spin around, evading his strike, and he slips.

I have to seize this opportunity. My powerful legs propel me into the air, and I execute a scissor kick that catches Fej off guard. The impact of my foot against his face resonates through my bones, a satisfying thud that briefly silences the crowd's raucous cheers.

Fej stumbles back, crashing onto the sandy floor. He's down, but not out.

I go to leap at him, but he rises swiftly, his eyes ablaze with a potent mix of anger and desperation. He charges at me with his arms swinging. I raise my guard, blocking his blows as my muscles scream in protest.

But then something changes. I stare into Fej's eyes and sense fear. Perhaps he thinks he should have killed me by now. Maybe he knows deep down that he won't take me from this universe.

He leans back to gain momentum, and a familiar voice pierces through the air, sending hope to my heart.

"Dodge him."

Stella's urgent shout reaches my ears, and I'm stunned.

"You can't dodge me," cries Fej, launching himself at me. I instinctively duck, sidestepping his attack just in time.

I watch in shock as Fej's momentum carries him past me, and he collides into another monstrous creature.

"How the hell did they get out?" screams Fej as two other monsters surround him. I recognize them immediately. Three monsters who also shared my captivity.

"Finish him," I cry, lashing out to crack Fej in the back with both fists.

He tries to hit back, but cannot compete against us. We beat him to a satisfying pulp, and his screams of pain mingle with my friends triumphant roars as we tear into him with ferocity.

Fej slowly weakens and drops to the floor in a bloody mess. My chest heaves with exertion and a mix of emotions – shock, satisfaction, and horror. The three monsters that were once my rivals are now my allies, united in the goal of finishing Fej's life.

As I wonder how they escaped, I spot someone emerging in the distance. Stella grins as she waves a keycard triumphantly, and relief crashes over my shoulders.

Stella's safe and is looking as hot as ever.

I start to move toward her, my heart pounding. But something incredible happens. As I approach, a strange sensation courses through me. I glance down in amazement as my body begins to transform. I'm shedding the monstrous exterior, returning to my human form.

Stella's gaze meets mine, and her eyes fill with surprise.

"Have I met you before?" she asks, frowning.

"Maybe," I reply, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"I have," she says, staring into my eyes. "You're that guy who wrote those writing courses."

"Five points for remembering," I say, winking.

I reach out and take her by the hands. Running my fingers through hers feels so good, so natural.

"I missed you," she says, scanning my chest muscles.

"I missed you more. How did you break away?"

"I'll tell you later," she says. "But right now, I need a kiss."

Our lips meet in a triumphant kiss, and my body lights up as the crowd roar in celebration.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private," says Stella, raising an eyebrow.

"That's not a bad idea."
