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Stella offers me another slice of raw meat, her hand trembling slightly. Our fingers touch, and a fleeting connection explodes in my mind. I see her thoughts clearly: her longing for freedom, a little notebook with messages, and her dreams of a planet called Sefl.

I keep my abilities hidden, not wanting to overwhelm her with my skills. Instead, I gaze into her eyes and try to tell her I know what she's thinking.

Stella withdraws her hand, a mixture of fear and curiosity swirling in her eyes.

"Why are you in here?" she whispers. "You're not really a monster, are you?"

"On the outside, yes."

"And inside?"

"I'll let you decide that."

She nods and smirks. Then her eyes scan my body, and they widen when she focuses on my growing dick again.

"It really has been a long time, hasn't it?" she asks, smirking.

"Let me show you."


Even though I have no idea how a female human and beast like me can be together with this damn cage in the way, I go to tell her to come closer, but I'm interrupted by a venomous voice.

"The hell is going on back there?" shouts Tebos, barging into the cell.

Sorrow eats into my heart as Stella steps back, her face projecting worry. Tebos paces down the corridor, creating a flummox of activity from the monsters.

"I think they were finger fucking," shouts Hark.

"Oh, were they?" cries Tebos, picking up speed.

"Get back, quick," I mutter.

But it's too late.

Stella turns to run away, but Tebos swipes his hand and slaps her around the face, sending her crashing to the floor.

Fury boils in my veins, and I grab the bars, wishing I could rip them open and do the same to his throat. He looks me up and down and grins wickedly.

"Oh, I see," he says, bending over Stella to whisper in her ear. "Flirting with the handsome monster, were you? Well, I'll see to it that won't happen again. Guards, tell Fej it's time for a monster duel, some light entertainment for our leader."

Stella tries to get up and look at me, but Tebos pulls her and wraps his arms around her, pushing her away from me.

Fear tries to get to me, but my anger is fiercer.

That scumbag is touching her, my Stella, but she belongs to me. She has awakened something within me: a yearning for love and liberty. And though she remains unaware of my ability to read her thoughts, I vow to protect her, to guide her towards the elusive sanctuary of Planet Sefl where our dreams may finally take flight, and we can be together, free from the restraints of the mighty Fej and this agonizing prison.

First, though, I think I may need to kill a fellow monster. Oh well, such is the life of a prisoner on Planet Amazdom.

Chapter 3



My heart races with adrenaline as Tebos drags me away from Champ's cage. A whirlwind of emotions bubbles through my chest - fear for myself and worry for my newfound friend, acquaintance, or whatever we are after knowing each other for only five minutes.

I glance back as Champ roars, trying to bend the bars restraining him. It's no use, though; even a monster with the strength of ten human men can't break the metal keeping him from freedom.
