Page 37 of Bladed Kiss

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Words try to come from my mouth, but I’m so thrown off that only mumbles and stutters escape, the sound of which causes Denve’s grin to widen.

How the hell is he still so… him?

He continues to smile at me as I stumble over my thoughts. By now, I expected to be enjoying his pleas for mercy, to listen as he cried and begged to be released.

From the very start, Denve striked me as a strong man, capable of getting anything he wanted. I thought I could break him, but here he stands mocking me. The thought of taking it further crosses my mind, but I’m still too shocked to even move.

“Are you going to continue gawking at me or are you going to take my clothes off? I’m too warm.”

So much for all of these bastards being the same…

“How the hell…” I mutter. I draw myself up, refocusing my mind back on my objective. “You’re something else, you know that?”

“That’s what you’ll be saying by the time we get done fucking.”

“You’re way in over your head,” I snarl. “But I’m afraid you’ve got it all wrong, rich boy. If I truly wanted to fuck you, I would have done so already.”

Smiling cockily, I wait for his grin to disappear, but again, it only grows.

“What?” I growl.

“Well, I mean…” he says through his teeth. “I just have an inkling of a suspicion that if you legitimately wanted me dead, you would have done so already.”

That’s fucking it.

I step closer and press the knife to his throat, trying not to get distracted by his scent.

“What makes you so confident that it’s not part of my plan?” I ask.

“Come on, you have me right where you want me. I can see right through you, just as much as I want to see you underneath your clothes, or should I say underneath me…”

“What are you talking about?” I snarl, pressing the dagger harder against his skin. “And quit it with the fucking snarky comments.”

“It’s obvious,” he chuckles. “You want what everyone else is after in this godsforsaken town.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that, Mr. Wise Guy?”


Grunting, I take a step back but keep the knife pointed at him.

“Tell me, am I right or am I right?” he asks in a condescending tone.

“You’re too confident with that tongue of yours,” I say before immediately realizing he’s about to make some sex joke. I quickly follow it up before he has the chance to reply. “Each time you talk, I’m one step closer to cutting it out.”

“Then why did you just take a step back?” he laughs.

My only response is a scowl.

“Come on now,” he says. “Do you really think this is the first time the Thuvrol family has come under such a threat like this?”

“I’m surprised you’ve lived this long, to be honest,” I quip.

“Funny, but my family are practically walking bullseyes for people like you. What are you? A thief? A spy of some sort?”

“I’m not telling you a fucking thing.”

His eyes move to the nearby bed, his brows raising in curiosity.
