Page 45 of Bladed Kiss

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Nothing can keep me from doing what I do next – no pain, no wounds, no irritating questions that keep picking at my head. Leaning forward, I place my mouth to hers, feeling her lean back slightly with the shock of my actions.

But she doesn’t seem offended by what I’ve done. She pulls back and tries to return to healing my injuries, but they are now the last thing on my mind. I have one need right now, and that is her.

“Let me finish,” she says, her voice softer now.

“I’m fine,” I insist, reaching out and taking the back of her head in my hand. I pull her closer and feel her sink into my kiss, knowing that she wants this by the way a small moan rumbles through her mouth and into mine.

Everything disappears – the pain, the questions – and there’s just me and her, suspended in the moment as if this is a spell. I run my hands through her hair and deepen the kiss, owning her mouth with my tongue, wanting to possess all of her.

“Stop,” she says, pulling back breathlessly.

“I don’t want to stop,” I reply. “And I don’t think you do either.”

For the first time in a while, she smiles, and I can see a glint in her eyes that says I’m right. She flips her hair over to the side and runs a slender finger over my lips.

“Are you sure you’re up to it?” she asks, glancing down at my chest.

There’s a teasing quality to her tone, but also something that still tells me she’s concerned for my well being. That in itself makes me harden even more. No number of injuries is going to keep me from fucking her, right here, right now.

“Oh, I’m up to it,” I reply, unlacing my pants. She looks down at me as I release myself, hard and throbbing.

“Seems you are,” she says. I watch her as she stands, and I can’t help but run my hand gently over my cock as she sheds herself of her leathers. Above me she’s now a vision, like some fucking goddess – naked, adorned with floral tattoos that cover her arms and thighs, and of course, her long, silver hair.

“Where the fuck did you come from?” I say involuntarily. Because I have never seen anyone like her before, and I can’t take my eyes off her.

She doesn’t answer me. Instead, she smiles, takes one last look at my wounds and then sits next to me, wrapping a leg over mine and turning my face towards hers. She runs a hand down my chest and torso, and I wait in desperation for it to reach my cock.

“Yes,” I hiss when she wraps her fingers around me. Her eyes are on mine, seeking out the pleasure in them as she gently works me. “Kiss me,” I say firmly.

“You elves and your orders,” she says, her lips turning up at the corner into a wry smile. Then her lips are on mine, her tongue exploring my mouth, seeking me out. I pull her closer, my hand roaming over her skin, cupping her breasts, traveling down to her hip.

I draw her leg over further, encouraging to straddle me, cursing this damn body that seems weaker than usual. Because if I was at full strength, I would already have pinned her down, tasted her and would be inside her by now.

She’s on top of me now, her hands at my face, her hair spilling over me. Our tongues fight for ownership of each other’s mouths. I grab her backside, loving how my cock feels up against it but pull her forwards so that I can reach under and get to the place I want to be.

Her breasts hang at my chest, her nipples now hard. She gasps when I drag my hand from behind over her hot, slick sex. “You’re so wet for me,” I say, sinking my fingers into her creases and folds, feeling how easily they glide through and across her.

All of a sudden, she’s not so smart with that mouth of hers, and I can feel a vulnerability in her that makes me want her even more. She shudders on top of me, and I smile to myself thinking of all the ways I could make her do this over and over again.

“You want this as much as I do,” I whisper.

She sits back, and I find myself losing my reach, but the view is worth it. Her skin is now flushed, her breasts engorged, and her legs spread wide across me. Then while looking me straight in the eye, she raises herself up, takes my throbbing cock and guides me into her, sinking down onto me until I’m fully hers, or she is fully mine – I can’t be sure.

“Fuck,” I rasp, still watching as she now begins to ride me, her rhythm slow and determined.

“I do want this,” she says. “And I like to get what I want.”

I swallow hard, wondering where this creature came from. “I bet you do.”

It’s almost hard to believe I was in such pain not long ago, as the sensation she now brings to my body is like nothing I’ve felt before. Like her magic extends far beyond the forces that she conjures.

Any discomfort has simply slipped away from me, and my strength has returned. I sit up and kiss her hard, before turning her over and placing her on the floor. She looks shocked as I remove myself from her, but when I crawl between her legs she lies back and lets me take control.

I trace the tattoos on her thighs with my tongue. Then my mouth is at her sex as I lick every fold and crease, lapping up everything she gives me. Her moans turn to cries as I place a finger deep inside her, needing to know how she feels while my tongue gently circles her sensitive spot.

Beneath me she’s now writhing, and the sounds she makes stiffen my cock further. I hold down her hips as they start to buck and then her hand is in my hair as she explodes at my mouth. With my finger still inside her, I can feel her walls pulsing and beating. Before she stops, I swoop up between her legs and penetrate her, riding the last waves of her climax.

She grips me tightly, her arms around my neck, her legs around my back. I thrust into her, giving her everything I have. She is so hot, so wet and perfect. My mind is almost lost with sensation, but I keep going.
