Page 60 of Bladed Kiss

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In his hands are long pieces of fabric, and I swallow as I take them in. He smiles lasciviously down upon me. “First of all, let’s make this a bit more fun.” Slowly, he leans down and kisses me before he takes one of those strips of fabric, lifts my head and wraps it over my eyes as a blindfold.

Suddenly I’m hyper aware, sensing the rising and falling of my chest as he takes each of my wrists and binds them to the bed frame. I arch my back when his mouth unexpectedly lands on my nipple and then he’s at my ear again. “Trust me, Salina.”

Next his hand is running down my torso, then tracing over my belly and across my hip, all the way down to my ankle. He kisses it softly and then just like my wrists it is restrained and tied to the bedpost.

“Anytime you want to stop, just say… but I’m hoping you won’t.”

Though my heart is racing, and my mind wants to tell me I’m unsafe, I know that I am, and my body is crying out for him, restrained or not. “I don’t… I’m… Oh, Denve.” His tongue is tracing up my calf and it’s hot and hard until it reaches the inside of my knee where he’s licking and flicking.

Instinctively I turn to him, to his mouth as my backside leaves the bed on the only side of my body that isn’t tethered, I’m stunned when a bolt of pleasure or pain or both shoots through me as he brings his hand across my naked flesh, my buttocks now stinging.

“Keep still,” he says as I hold my breath. But I don’t do as he tells me, because I’m hoping he’ll do it again. I want to feel whatever that was – his hand slapping my sensitive skin – one more time.

“Argh!” I cry with pleasure as he repeats the gesture.

“Looks like I should have done this sooner,” he murmurs, taking my foot and securing my ankle to the bedpost. “Mmm, what a sight this is.”

I’m completely vulnerable, completely exposed to him and my body is on fire. I pull against the restraints, desperate to find him, to get to his mouth. “Please,” I beg, and I hear his clothes dropping to the floor.

The mattress beneath me moves and his breath is at my shin. As he moves up over me his cock drags along my leg and I buck my hips to attempt to get to it. His hot breath now teases my sex, and when I beg him to touch me, he blows at my sensitive spot, driving me insane.

“Denve, I can’t…” I moan, squirming against my restraints.

Next my nipples are being teased, softly at first, and then something is pulling at them. I’m so delirious with need I can’t tell what he’s doing, all I know is if I don’t get some relief soon, I will be driven half mad.

“Oh, gods, I can’t, please!” I cry. That’s when he finally gives me some and his tongue is sweeping through my desperate sex, slow and soft. He uses one long stroke lingering for a moment on my clit and I wish I could take his head and press him into me.

Deep moans fill the room and at first, I am sure they must be mine, but as he eats at me, I feel the deep rumble of his actions reverberate through me. It’s the final assault on my senses and I scream his name, fighting against my bonds as I erupt with pleasure, the inability to move, making it so extreme that I fear I may lose consciousness.

“That’s it,” he whispers against my skin and before I know it, he’s inside me.

My legs are spread so wide, my arms so open to him I feel as though I have given myself up entirely. With each pump, each penetration, each drag of his beautiful cock he whispers words into my ear.

“You’re so beautiful, Salina. Thank you for giving yourself to me, Salina. I love you, Salina.”

Thrust after thrust, he brings me back to the brink and when I tell him I’m about to lose my mind again, he pulls down my blindfold and I see him there above me, his hair damp with sweat, his eyes full of love.

One last time I give myself to him as he does to me, as we cum together, my moans drowned out by his voice as he roars my name. He kisses my forehead and strokes my cheek. “I told you, you can trust me,” he says.

And I do, completely.



The carriage floats smoothly like silk upon the road, kissed by the warm ways of the afternoon sun as we make way for my family manor. As gorgeous as the weather is, the journey itself isn’t quite as glamorous.

Sitting across from me, Salina glares out the window with a troubled look, hiding most of her face with her hand. Her leg bounces up and down nonstop with a clenched fist resting atop it.

Even with a face and demeanor as strong as hers, I can see through it all. She’s nervous, despite insisting that she’s not. A mouth can bend the truth but eyes cannot lie, and in hers I see anxiety and unease.

Still, I cannot blame her, I know she’s only trying to seem strong so as to not worry me. I lean forward, laying a hand on her leg.

“Hey,” I whisper. “How are you doing?”

“I’m alright,” she says, smiling unsurely at me. “How about you?”

Up until that point, I had also told her I’m fine, but decide now is best to come clean.
