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“Oh, don’t be silly. So, you’ve gotten your panties in a twist with Dad, so what? What happened? Was he bad in bed?”

I’m stunned by her candor. “Natalie! Do you really want to talk about your father like that?”

“Probably not. But was it that?”

Sometimes, I wonder if Natalie enjoys making me squirm. And I know she’s not going to let this go. Sighing, I shake my head.

“No, it was nothing like that. It was what happened after. I told him that I wanted to remain as things were, with us being boss and PA. Nothing more than that.”

“Are you serious?” she frowns at me.

I don’t get why she’s shocked. “You make it sound like I’ve committed a crime.”

“It feels like it,” she says. “Dad’s a great guy, and I think you would be a great couple. Yet you told him you wanted to go back to how your relationship was? Are you insane?”

“He’s my boss, Natalie!”

She shrugs, as though I’ve just mentioned the most inconsequential fact on earth. “So what? People have worked with their significant others as their boss. Most of the time it works.”

“Yes. Exactly. Most of the time,” I hold up a hand. “It’s not happening with us. We need to maintain a professional relationship. It’s the best thing for us.”

“Even if the chemistry is pretty intense?” she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I can’t help but roll my eyes. “It’s not intense.”

“If it isn’t, then why are you out of sorts?” she nudges me. “If it was just a one-off and there was no chemistry, the two of you could get on as normal. But there’s something unresolved, and it’s eating both of you up.”

She has to be making things up. That can’t be the case. Or have I been in denial?

“There is a simple solution to this, Megan,” Natalie continues with a smile. “You could tell him the truth about how you feel.”

“What? Tell my boss that I have a crush on him? Are you crazy?” I stammer, barely able to contain my discomfort with this conversation.

“At least you’d get it out of your system. And don’t be afraid of doing it,” she nudges my knee. “After all, you are the fiery, sassy personal assistant who’s never been afraid to do what she thinks is the right thing to do. Where is that woman now?”

There isn’t an answer to that. Because I really don’t know where that woman is. I’ve opened up a part of myself to a man who is capable of making me feel so vulnerable.



A knock at the door has me looking up, and the vice president appears in the doorway. He gives me a sympathetic smile.

“Burning the midnight oil at both ends again?”

“You could say that,” I gesture at the desktop. “Even with a PA, it just keeps piling up.”

“You should leave it until Monday,” he says. “Let Megan deal with it.”

“Just like you’re leaving it to Madeleine, eh, George?” I chuckle.

George grins. “Sometimes, you have to do things yourself. Even the most trusted assistants can’t do what we need.”

“Is that what you think?” I ask, leaning back in my chair.

“Well, isn’t that the reason you’re in here after hours?”

It isn’t, but I’m not about to tell George the truth. It’s not exactly something I can talk about with the vice president. Sighing, I reach for my coffee.
