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“That’s because I know the exact amount to burn something until it’s perfect,” Dad says. “Clark just makes charcoal on top of charcoal.”

That is when Clark appears behind him. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that, Dad. Megan, you’ve got a visitor. It’s Eric.”

“What?” I stare at him. “Are you serious?”

“He’s coming up the drive.” The doorbell suddenly rings. “That will be him. Shall I tell him to fuck off?”

“Clark!” Mom admonishes him. “You may be a grown man, but this isn't your house.”

I want Clark to tell Eric to leave - he was always a little nervous about my brother and father, who are bigger than him - but curiosity is winning out. I put the knife down and go over to the sink.

“I’ll go out and talk to him.”

“Are you sure about that, Megan?” Mom doesn’t look happy. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I’ll hear him out and see what bull he’s coming up with.” I dry my hands and join Clark in the hall. “Can you stay close by just in case? I might need some help getting him to leave if he’s being a dick.”

“Try and stop me from leaving you with that prick,” he says.

“Language!” Mom calls from the kitchen.

Dad shakes his head and waves his arms at us. “Go. Just get the idiot off the premises.”

Clark follows me to the door and moves out of sight as I open it. Eric is pressing the doorbell as I do so, faltering when he sees me.

He gives me a bashful look and runs a hand through his hair. “Hey, Megan. I thought you would be here.”

“Are you stalking me?” I ask, instantly annoyed.

“You’re always at your parents’ house for Sunday lunch. I thought I’d be able to find you here,” Eric hesitates, glancing past me. “Can I speak to you in private? I wanted to ask you something.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “What is it?”

“I’d rather not do it with your father glaring at me. He looks like he’s going to charge me.”

I don’t need to turn around to know Dad is scowling at Eric.

“Well, he is a Papa Bear, especially when his daughter is betrayed by a cheating scumbag.”

Eric shakes his head slowly. “I just went with the better option. That’s all.”

A growl from Dad makes me jump. I grab Eric’s arm and yank him onto the front lawn.

“Don’t you dare start that again,” I push Eric away. “You’re just a gold-digger, and you willingly admitted it. We all know that, so don’t start making me feel worse than I already am.”

Eric doesn’t respond. He just stuffs his hands into his pockets. I get impatient.

“So, why are you here? If it’s about details for the wedding, I told you that you communicate only by email. I don’t want to speak with you, and I don’t want you to come to my parents’ house. Say what you want to say and get the fuck out of here.”

“Straightforward as always, Megan. That’s what I like about you,” he says bitterly.

I roll my eyes. Of all people, he least deserves to have an attitude with me. “Spare me, Eric. Just talk.”

Eric glances toward the house. Clark is standing in the doorway, watching us with a piercing stare that makes even me nervous.

“Do you really need a guard dog?” he motions to Clark.

“Thirty seconds, Eric. And the time is counting down,” I reply impatiently.
