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“I’m your daughter, Dad!” Anna whines. “Of course you would be paying for me.”

He’s not about to give in. “After I said I didn’t approve of your relationship?”

“I haven’t got any money! I haven’t got any savings, either!”

Joel frowns. I glance at Natalie, who just gives me a look that says she’s heard all of this already.

“How do you not have any savings?” Joel asks.

She pouts, coming across like a child instead of the adult she is. “I need clothes and things to make me look good. I am a CEO’s daughter, after all.”

“So, you got into debt trying to make yourself look good for everyone else?”

Anna’s reddening face tells me all I need to know. I was aware that she was a little reckless with money, but this is something else. Joel shakes his head.

“God, Anna. What happened to you? I always told you and Natalie to be wise with your money, and that you don’t know when you’re going to need it.”

“That’s not fair, Dad!” I’m half-expecting Anna to stomp her foot. “I’m your daughter! You should help me!”

“She does have a point, Joel,” Caitlin chimes in, giving him a knowing look. “You should be helping your child out of this situation.”

“You mean a situation she put herself in?” Joel shoots back. “While we’re at it, why don’t you pay for it? She’s your daughter, too.”

“I can’t afford the whole bill. I’d go broke paying it myself.”

Joel sighs. “Look, you two are on your own. I’m not helping you out with something you created. And I wouldn’t support someone who’s used and abused my employees, either.”

It takes me a moment to realize that he’s talking about me. I’m used to him calling me his girlfriend, but not addressing me as such in front of his ex-wife and daughter is probably a good idea; I don’t want their wrath on me. Caitlin’s mouth drops open. Anna looks confused.

“What are you talking about? Who have I used and abused? I haven’t done that!”

“What do you think you did to Megan?” he asks, his anger bubbling over.

“She’s a PA! It’s her job!”

Joel shakes his head. “She’s my personal assistant, not yours. And you abused her position with your behavior. Both you and Eric. Not including trying to auction her off at your engagement party? That was just disgusting.”

Anna reels back like she’s been slapped.

Caitlin gets to her feet. “How dare you speak to your daughter like that!”

“And how dare you condone her actions?” he shoots back instantly. “She wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t made her into such a greedy brat. I warned you letting her get whatever she wants would turn her into a spoiled madam, and now look what’s happening.”

“This isn't my fault!”

Joel turns to Anna, who falters as she starts to say something. “You abused my employee. You were disgusting toward her. And on top of that, you assaulted her. She ended up in hospital and had to have stitches after you shoved her. Do you know how big her medical bills are because of that?”

Anna scowls at me. “She shouldn’t have gotten in my way.”

“This isn't Megan’s fault,” Joel moves to stand in front of me. “It’s yours for hurting her. I’m going to make sure Megan has access to my lawyer to sue you for her medical bills. And you’ll be paying them back yourself.”

Caitlin looks like she’s lost all color in her face. “What—You can’t do that!”

“Oh, we can,” he says. “And we’re going to do it. Megan has every right to sue Anna for compensation of her medical bills.”


“Just be thankful that she doesn’t go to the police about what you did because, trust me, you’ve done enough that she could file charges against you. And I wouldn’t stop her after what you’ve done.”
