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“He called me to let me know,” she says defensively. “He was shocked that you were sleeping with his ex. I’m shocked that you’re sleeping with her. Really, Dad? You couldn’t find someone near your own age.”

“Are you serious, Anna? You’re going to make a comment about my relationship after you stole Eric from Megan? At least we were both single when we got together, unlike someone in this conversation.”

“Hey!” Anna protests. “That’s not fair!”

“The last few months weren’t fair. You know how I feel about your actions toward Megan.”

“I didn’t realize you were fucking her.”

“Because it’s none of your business,” I speak slowly, as if she were a five-year-old. “Just like what I do with my life is none of your business. Now, if you’ve just called to shout at me for doing something any other normal adult does, I’m going to hang up.”

“Wait, wait!” Anna pleads. “I need your help, Dad. I am struggling with my payments to Megan for her medical bills.”

“It’s only been a month.”

“I’m still struggling. Can’t you help me out? At least let me have my allowance back.”

I sigh and lean against the wall. “I told you after what you did that you were getting cut off. You want money? Earn it yourself.”

“But Mom and I are running out. We started living together to help each other out, and we’re fighting a lot. Now Eric is pestering me asking to come back, and he won’t leave me alone…” Anna lets out a little sob. “Please, can you help me?”

I do want to help, but Anna has pushed too much. Even now, I can tell that she’s putting it on. I can hear it in her voice. Anna might think she can manipulate me with tears, but I know her too well. They’re just trying to get money out of me without having to work.

“Call the police if Eric won’t leave you alone. As for money, you’ve got a job, and you’ve got your mom. You’ll be fine.”


“If you want my help, you know what you need to do. Only then will I consider helping you with anything. Now, if you don’t mind? It’s late and I want to get to sleep.”


I hang up before Anna can go any further and head back into the bedroom. Megan is coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.

She frowns at me. “I thought you’d be in bed already.”

“I had to take a phone call,” I look her up and down. “You didn’t take long.”

“I just needed a quick wash, that’s all. Who was on the phone?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

I quickly glance at the drawer, glad that I put the ring back and closed the drawer before I left the room. That is for tomorrow when I serve Megan in bed rather than an accidental find. I approach Megan to start to tug the towel away from her. “Are you still feeling sleepy?”

Megan giggles and pulls the towel away, pressing her naked body to me as the towel pools around her feet.

“Not anymore.”

I can’t help but smile at her reply. I pull her arms around my waist. Locked in a tender embrace, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude and love for Megan. We’d been caught in a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns, but through it all, she has been my constant anchor. Megan has been my trusted PA for years, tirelessly supporting my professional life. Her efficiency, intellect, and unwavering dedication has no doubt been part of my success.

But now, I realize Megan has become my emotional sanctuary, the one person who truly understands me inside and out. She’s seen it all—at my best and my worst—and she’s never faltered.

Gently kissing her lips, my thoughts drift to the passion and intimacy we share. I’ve realized she has become my everything. And with the baby coming… I will do whatever it takes to protect and nurture it.


I open my eyes to see the most beautiful naked body in front of me. With a playful smile, she slowly trails her fingertips along my arm, igniting a fiery desire that instantly consumes both of us. We become lost in a world where time stands still and the only rhythm that matters is the symphony of our shared ecstasy.

The End.
