Page 3 of Riding Wild

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I pull the phone into view and stare at the screen. The call wasn’t from the agency. It was from my buddy, Doc. He’s been rebuilding an old Harley. I’ll bet he’s looking for advice on a part.

I dial him back. “What’s up, man?” I tuck my hand in my pocket and wander down toward the darkest part of Main Street. He might not be the call I need to get out of this mess, but I’m thankful for his distraction from the incoming train wreck everyone sees coming a mile away.

“Not much.” He clears his throat. “You’re heading out on that date tonight, right? Just wanted to wish you luck and to tell you not to fuck this up.”

“Okay. I was hoping you’d called for advice on the Panhead.”

He laughs. “Nah. I’m done with that. I’m taking her for her first ride tonight. Thought I’d check in on you beforehand. Gotta make sure you don’t bail on this date like you did the last one.”

“I didn’t bail on the last one. She bailed on me. And for your information, it wasn’t my fault.”

“That’s not how I remember it. You called me when she stepped out, ripping off excuses. She was too mature. She wasn’t mature enough. She had a nose ring. Blah, blah, blah.”

“Okay, well, we’re going to agree to disagree on this, buddy. Besides, you’re one to talk considering you haven’t been with anyone in years yourself.”

“I’m content the way I am. You’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t have signed up for that site.”

This is a small town and I know news travels fast, but I haven’t told anyone about the dating website, so I have no clue how he’d know.

“How’d you find that shit out?”

“I didn’t until now.” He laughs. “I saw an advertisement in thePenny Saverand wondered if you applied. Now I know. Good luck with that.”

“ThePenny Saver, huh? You’re showing your age, man.”

He clears his throat. “Everyone in town reads thePenny Saver.How else are we going to get coupons for the diner? Free pie with meal purchase.” He chuckles under his breath. “Anyway, I’m just fucking with you, man. I’m happy you’re putting yourself out there. I’m gonna get out on this ride, but call me afterward.”

I snap out a quick remark of luck for his first ride on the Panhead and disconnect the line, stuffing my phone back into my pocket. Doc and I have been friends for nearly ten years. We met through the MC, and he’s been my go-to guy for most everything. We’re similar in the way that we’re both single, and we’re comfortable in the fact that our friendship doesn’t require much more than advice on bike parts and bullshitting. Believe it or not, that’s not easy to find. Most people expect engagement in a friendship. They want you at their kids' birthday parties or they expect you to text back within a reasonable time frame. I’m not that guy. Never have been, never will be. It’s not that I don’t care. I have quite a few people I care about, and they’ll be reminded of that once a month when my phone alerts me to call.

I drag in a deep breath of the unique pine-fried scent on Main Street and make my way back toward the diner where a woman now stands shadowed in the street. She’s wearing a short pink dress and an apron. Her hair is long, maybe blonde. It’s hard to see in this light. Though, her curves are unmistakable. Her breasts curve out and her hips curve in, but only slightly before her round ass pops out.


Okay, maybe this isn’t a complete train wreck. I study the woman for a few moments longer, watching as she draws her phone away from her ear and tucks it into her pocket. Her gaze draws up toward me, and though I can’t see her clearly, I know she’s gorgeous.So gorgeous I’d bet she requires more than one text a month.I’m doomed before we start.

The closer I get to the streetlamp, the easier it is to see her. Blonde hair, brown eyes, and a gorgeous face. I take in each piece of her individually, memorizing what I can about this meeting. Suddenly, I’m in a fucking rom-com wondering if I’m meeting my future wife. If I am, I need to remember every detail of this moment.

I step in toward her and lean in for a hug, breathing in the soft floral scent on her skin.Floral with a hint of garlic. Strange, but I don’t over think it. Maybe she likes to cook. I’d love a woman I can cook with.

Fucking hell. Listen to me. I need to calm my ass down. I don’t even know this woman yet.

“Hey, I’m Axel.” I follow the hug up with a handshake, holding my hand out for a greeting. I’m working backwards here, but the flow is the flow, and I’m not overthinking things.

She hitches her hip up and laughs. “I know who you are, Axel!” There’s sarcasm in her tone and it takes a second to sink in.How does she know who I am?This was supposed to be anonymous. The point was to know nothing about her. Neither of us have any information on the other, but we’re matched based on our interests. The woman continues, “It’s me, May.”

“May?”My jaw clenches and my stomach turns. First of all, for the way I was just ogling her. Second, I’ve obviously gotten the wrong woman. “Sorry. I, ugh, I’m looking for someone. I thought—”

“Are you here for the matchmaker hookup?” Her grin is beyond telling.Fucking fuck.I knew this was a mistake. Her arms fan outward. “Tada…”

“I know this town was small, but this…thisis fucked up.” I tip up onto my heels and swipe my hand down over my beard. “What the hell are you doing on a dating site?”

She gasps. “What amIdoing there? What areyoudoing there? I thought you had pride, and you didn’t need a woman.” She beats at her chest with a mocking tone like a gorilla as she says, “Me… man. Woman… needy. Remember?” A laugh bends her over for a solid ten seconds before she’s straight again. “Sorry. I promised I’d be nice.”

“Who did you promise you’d be nice? I don’t need some charity date.”

May huffs under her breath and turns toward me. “It’s not a charity date. Calm down. We were matched.” Her tone is still sparkling with sarcasm. She’s not the kind of woman who likes a man like me. I don’t think there are any women who like men like me. We’re a dying breed. The one’s that want to be strong and kind, just not walked all over. This is a mistake.

“We should head inside.” May twists her hair onto her shoulder. “There’s some lasagna we can heat up and the apple pie is still fresh, assuming you like Millie’s pie.”
