Page 80 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“Uh, no. She found this in the woods outside of town.”

“That’s a book of shadows,” Rachel says. “Is it possible she was reading that when she disappeared?”

I shake my head. “It’s locked. Dante’s been trying to break it open so we can find out who it belongs to.”

Cheryl moves closer. “Well, there’s probably a reason he hasn’t been able to break it. Can I try?”

I pass it to her. She turns it over in her hands and nods.

“What is it?” I ask.

“It’s charm magic,” she says, smiling. “I can feel it.”

“Wouldn’t that make the book the charm?” Rachel asks, sounding confused.

Cheryl shakes her head. “Give me a second and I’ll show you.”

She places the book flat in her hands and closes her eyes.

Her fingers glow under it, and her purple lips move.

A second later, the book flies open, pages flipping.

Opening her eyes, she peers down, and transfers the book to one hand.

With the other, she reaches in to a hollowed-out section and removes a silver locket charm.

“This is what she used as a lock.”

“That’s insane,” Rachel mutters, sounding vaguely impressed. “Why would anyone use a charm to lock their book of shadows?”

“Because it’s the one kind of spell no one would think of,” Cheryl says. “But, more likely, it’s the highest level of magic she can manage.”

“Can we see that?” I ask.

She hands it over, book in one hand, and charm in the other. “Don’t put the charm back inside unless you want it to lock again.”

I pass Danny the bag, and I take the book and the charm.

Slipping the charm into my pocket, I flip to the first page of the book.

“Shannon Porter.” I look around, but no one seems to recognize the name.

“Well, at least we have a name.”

“Oh, we can do better than that,” Cheryl says. “We have her book of shadows. We can use this as a personal object to locate her.”

I blink at her. “What?”

Rachel nods. “We should speak to her. A spell was involved when Amanda went missing, and you’ve had this witch’s stuff for a day or two, right?”

“Well, yeah, but Dante didn’t think of that.”

“Dante’s not a coven witch, and he’s new to pack life,” Rachel reminds me. “In fact, he’s spent his whole life avoiding joining a coven. He’s not used to working with other people and that means he might not think of everything.”

“No one can think of everything,” Cheryl adds, with a wry smile.

“Not on their own.” Rachel takes the book from me.
