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“She’s being modest,” Sebastian says, smiling, “She’s top in her class at NYU and received the most coveted surgical residency slot.”

Ekaterina smiles appreciatively. “Your parents must be so proud of you, Madison. Do they also live in New York?”

“Uh, no, my father lives in Anchorage, Alaska, retired Naval officer, and my mother passed away when I was very young.”

“I’m sorry, yes, I do recall Sebastian mentioning that. She was from…” Her gaze lifts to the ceiling as she pretends to search for the word, “Panama, right?”

“Yes, she grew up in Paraiso, Panama near the Canal zone. My parents met when my father was stationed there at Rodman Naval Base.” Yes, I want to say, that my Panamanian mother is where I get my smooth honey-brown complexion and wavy dark hair. The narrow bone structure and hazel eyes come from my dad’s Irish-American side of the family.

Her mouth turns down a little. “Oh, it must have been very difficult growing up in America being of mixed blood.”

“Actually, no it wasn’t,” I readily reply. “My life was no more difficult or worse off than any of my friends I grew up with on the navy base. Life is what you make of it.” I then chuckle. “Don’t believe all the Eastern propaganda telling you that America is some horrible, divisive place to live. It’s actually one of the best places in the world to live for someone who looks like me,” I say with a smile and a wink.

I feel the stroke of Sebastian’s hand down my back, telling me well-done, but now ease off the subject. I take the hint and switch gears.

“I’ve been having such a wonderful time in Moscow. The city is absolutely breathtaking, and the people are so wonderful. I’m very pleased to be here and to meet you.”

Her smile is rigid as is her posture. “It pleases me that you enjoy our city.” She shifts uncomfortably in her chair. “And it is good to meet you as well.”

I breathe a sigh of relief feeling as if we’ve reached a little milestone.

“What sites have you seen so far, Madison?” Ulyan asks, his gray eyes alert and attentive.

“Oh, I’ve been to Red Square, toured the Kremlin, St. Basil Cathedral, Tretyakev Gallery, the GUM and Gorky Park. That was yesterday. This morning we toured Catherine the Great’s former residence Tsaritsyno Palace. It was absolutely incredible. It reminded me a good deal of the palace de Versailles.”

“Of Paris, yes, they are both equal in their beauty and grandeur,” Ulyan replies. “You must have Sebastian take you to Arbat Street as well for more fine shopping while you are here.”

I nod eagerly, “Yes, we plan to go there tomorrow.” I glance at Sebastian for confirmation.

“It’s next on the list,” he replies.

“How long will you be staying in Moscow?” Ekaterina inquires. “Hopefully, long enough to join us for dinner one evening.” Her smile is still brittle, but she’s trying, I’ll give her that.

“We’ll be here through the end of the week,” Sebastian answers. “Madison has to return to work.”

“Oh,” she says, “Well, perhaps we can have dinner together the night before you return home.”

“That would be lovely,” I say. “Now that I’m here I almost wish we could stay longer. There’s so much to see.”

“Madison has a two-month break before she starts her residency,” he glances at me. “We can return for an extended visit then, if you’d like.”

I’m a little surprised by the suggestion, but not unpleasantly so. I nod, “That definitely sounds doable. It’d be nice to visit when it’s a little warmer.”

“Yes, then you can venture outside of Moscow to St. Petersburg and Sochi.”

“Ah,” I snap my fingers, “where they held the winter Olympics in 2014.”

“Yes, that is right,” Ulyan says with a big grin. He tamps it down after a frosty look from Ekaterina. He raises his teacup to his lips.

“Ekaterina, do you visit the U.S. often?” I ask to break an awkward silence.

“No,” was her curt response.

Sebastian gives her a look. She averts her gaze but continues.

“I have not returned since my husband was killed there.”

“Oh…I’m sorry.”
