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“It helped having you there, it calmed me.”

“Really?” I chuckle. “Because I was nervous as hell.”

He smiles. “You did great. Despite everything, I think my mom liked you.”

“Pfft. I’ll believe it if she actually calls us for dinner.”

“Maybe she will, it doesn’t matter.”

“Don’t say that.”

He glances at me.

“What?” I say. “Don’t pretend like it doesn’t matter, I’d question if you had a heart if it didn’t.” I give a derisive laugh. “I was this tempted to cut her chest open to see if she had one and if it was made of ice.”

“Jesus, Mads,” he says taken aback.

“Well, she was pissing me off with that whole ice-queen attitude when she could plainly see you were hurting. It made me want to hurt her.”

His frown softens. “Why?”

“Why? Because anyone who hurts you is going to have to deal with me.”

His lips curve into a smile. “Yeah?”

“You think that’s funny? As a surgeon, I know about a thousand different ways I could make someone suffer…horribly.”

His brows hike up. “I believe you.”

“That’s better,” I say as I lift my hands out in front of me. “Respect the skill, baby, respect the skill.”

“I do.” He looks at me again. “Mads.”


“You don’t know how much your love means to me.” He nods pensively. “It’s enough to make me want to forget about all the things that ever hurt me in the past. You’re…healing me.”

I squeeze his hand and smile warmly. “That’s my job, babe. Always.”

We shop the exquisite commercial district of Arbat Street and it’s everything that Ulyan had said it would be. I’m utterly charmed by the elegance and beauty of the place. Pretty soon Sebastian and I are weighed down with shopping bags full of designer clothing, shoes and artwork. Anything I expressed interest in, Bash immediately whipped out a credit card or rubles to acquire it. It was the most decadent shopping spree I’d ever been on.

When we passed a baby apparel store, we both exchanged glances and then decided to go inside. We ended up needing to buy a little cart just so we could haul around all the little baby items we’d purchased. I know it’s bad luck to do so much for the baby while in the first trimester, but we were too high on the moment and on each other to care about such things.

As we exit the store, Sebastian glances at his watch. “We’d better head home.”

I notice a nervous hitch in his voice. We’re scheduled to have dinner at the home of Victor Volkov, a high-ranking business associate. From what I gather, Victor is none too thrilled about Sebastian backing out of his engagement to Natasha. He’s even less enamored with the new direction Sebastian wishes to take the organization. I’m sure his choice of new bride isn’t helping matters. Nonetheless, Sebastian is determined to march forward with his plans.

We arrive back at his place around 6 p.m. Dinner with Victor is at 8 p.m. After hauling in our goods, we relax on the sofa with a small glass of wine. But then Sebastian ops for something a little stronger, some Beluga vodka, a regional high-end Vodka known for its rich, smooth taste. I refrain from drinking anything other than a little wine. We sit back with our feet up in silent contemplation of the evening to come.

If all goes as he hopes, he’ll gain the backing of Victor as the new head of the family. If it doesn’t go well, it’s not simply a matter of him failing to get the appointment…it might result in his removal altogether. He hasn’t explicitly stated this, but I can read between the lines.

By 7 p.m., the vodka has effectively taken the edge off, and we silently prepare for dinner. I apply a modest amount of makeup and pull my hair up into a stylish bun. Sebastian places a stunning diamond necklace around my neck and adorns my ears with matching earrings. I’m wearing an elegant black cocktail dress, Sebastian is in an equally refined designer suit. If nothing else, we make quite the fashion statement.

We don our coats, Sebastian insists I make an exception and wear a gorgeous full-length mink. By 7:40 p.m., we’re on the road well on our way to Victor’s whose home should only be about a ten-minute drive away. We arrive at his stately home surrounded by high security gates. We drive up the cobbled driveway, park out front and ascend the grand entry way.

A man servant meets us at the door and escorts us in through the arching foyer and into the great room. It’s built for grandeur, and it doesn’t disappoint. It was a room worthy of a spot in the grandest of palaces.

Standing next to the huge fireplace is a refined gentleman I estimate to be in his late sixties. Time has done its work, but it’s apparent that back in his day, he likely turned a few heads.
