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As expected, the dinner table in Victor’s home was elegantly set with fine China, crystal glassware, and beautiful table linens. The staff were attentive and solicitous of our comfort as they hovered about as we ate.

In grand style, we start off with Beluga caviar served with blini chopped eggs, onions, and sour cream. Madison had never tried caviar before and put on a brave face, consuming it without flinching at what she’d referred to on occasion as raw fish eggs.

Next, we were served a traditional Borscht soup and pelmeni, along with beef stroganoff and poached salmon. All of this takes place amidst amiable conversation, but the pointed looks Victor keeps giving me tells me he needs to speak to me pronto.

I give him a curt nod, letting him know that I understand and will seek the first opportunity. Fortunately, he’s invited this British companion who can hopefully keep Madison distracted while we talk business in another room.

After the traditional dessert is served, medovik and ptichye moloko, we adjourn back to the living room. Victor skillfully encourages Donna to explain some of the context of the artwork hanging on the walls. Donna, being an art buyer, readily agrees to do so. Victor grips my arm and leads me out the main corridor and down to his study.

“Is it true that you took out Sergei?” he says his old gray eyes now lively and alert.

“He killed my father and had taken Madison,” I reply succinctly. “Yes, I did it to avenge my father.” I wonder if he knows the truth about my parentage as well.

“Yes, yes,” he pats my shoulder. “The bloated pig had it coming, but you should have gone through the proper channels before you acted. I need to know I have a man there who shows respect for order and for the old ways.”

I lower my eyes in deference to him. “That was my intention, but Sergei surprised me by kidnapping Madison. He…he touched her, and I responded accordingly.”

“As would any man,” he says, then looks askance at me. “Is it true she cut Boba’s dick off?”

I give a curt nod.

He shakes his head with a half-smile. “Don’t ever piss that one off, Bash. I’ve no need for an eunuch.”

“I’ve been duly warned,” I say dryly.

“We’ll come back to your girl later,” he said dismissively. “I want to talk about this new direction you mentioned for the business. I don’t like it, Bash. It’s too much too soon. It would be too disruptive.”

“I’m not suggesting we transition overnight, sir. We do it gradually over the space of 16 – 24 months.”

“You’re talking about handing off businesses that yield millions of dollars.”

“To focus on businesses that will yield billions of dollars for you.”

“In hedge funds?”

“Yes, hedge funds.”

“But not all above board, no?”

“We’ll be exploiting a few loopholes, using some tricks that I learned at Goldman Sachs. As long as we keep moving the ball, and distract them with shiny things, we stand to make more than all these petty shops put together. Plus, focus on more of the cannabis production on the legitimate end. I can show you the numbers, I’ve been running small campaigns to demonstrate the growth potential and general viability.”

When Victor’s face twists with skepticism, I add, “Let us play their game, take advantage of the gaps to play it better than they ever imagined and make a fortune in the meanwhile. Where is the flaw in the logic?”

He shakes his head. “It all sounds good on paper, Bash. But with the Albanians breathing down our necks, it’s not the best time to introduce a radically new business strategy. Now that Sergei is gone and Gregor has been indicted, they sense weakness and will seek to fill the power vacuum. I’ve already heard much talk of them coordinating their efforts with the Irish to strike a hard blow,” he says smacking his palm with his fist.

“I will be ready, all I need is your blessing on my rise as head of the family. If I have that, I can galvanize our forces for battle.”

“You’re losing support over Sergei, for all his enemies, he made a lot of powerful people richer. And then the move against Gregor – there are some who would haveyourblood next.”

He bobs his head down the hall. “Now with this girl,” he frowns. “It’s too much, Bash. To dump Natasha, to take up with this American. It doesn’t matter that she’s a doctor or that she’s very beautiful, she’s not Russian. Who knows where her loyalty lies, what assurances do we have that she would keep our code?”

“She’s loyal, trust me on this,” I plead hoping to hell I won’t need to use my trump card.

“Why because she loves you?” he snorts. “A woman’s heart is as fickle as the wind, Bash. Don’t be so naïve.”

“She’s agreed to take on the role as our dedicated surgeon,” I argue. “She’s already performed two successful operations.” I lift my phone. “I have it as proof. Her medical career would be destroyed if this ever got out.”

His eyes go wide as he holds his hand out to me. “Let me see it.”

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