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“Yes, you did. He immigrated to the U.S. about five years ago.” Her eyes narrow at me. “Hey, aren’t you dating that rich guy you brought in from the car crash? Isn’t he Russian too?”

“Yes, well, he’s originally from there but he’s a U.S. citizen. Graduated from Cornell University.” I almost kick myself for mentioning that. I might as well have declared, my Russian boyfriend is way better than yours.

Her smile fades a degree. “That’s nice. So are you going to be able to switch shifts with me?”

I frown. “Let me see if I can make that work. We’ll need to clear it with Emma too, she’s been cracking down on all of that of late.”

“I know, such a dragon lady.”

“I’ll get back with you by the end of the day, alright?”

“Thanks, Madison. I’d owe you big time.”

As she walks off, I can’t help wondering what were the chances that two medical students at the same hospital would start dating Russians within the space of a week. Does Sebastian know Kristoff? Does Kristoff work for him?

It’s no big deal, by kind of is…weird. I shrug. I have more important things to worry about.

When I turn, I nearly bump into Tubbs and Crocket. The two detectives that have been grilling me about Sebastian.

“Good morning, Madison,” says Hart, aka Crocket. “Can we get a moment of your time?”

I stare at them confused. “How did you know I was here? It’s my day off.”

“We’re detectives, ma’am, we figure stuff out,” he replies dryly.

“There have been some new developments we needed to speak to you about,” says Snyder, aka Tubbs. He gestures toward an empty examining room. “Can we step into there?”

I sigh heavily. At what point does this become harassment?

“Five minutes, no more.”

We make our way over to the empty examination room. Hart swings the door closed but when I cut my eyes at him, he opens a bit, leaving it cracked.

I fold my arms across my chest. “What is it?”

“Let’s establish a few things first,” Hart says. “We know that you were the first person to see Sebastian after the accident and that his gun is missing. We know that the two of you are an item, you’re living together.” He raises a brow. “That’s kind of fast considering you just met him two months ago.”

Snyder scratches his nose and looks away from me.

“What are you, the morality police?” I say, hand on hip.

“Did it ever occur to you that he might be taking advantage of your kindness and now keeping you close to make sure you don’t spill on him?” Hart says.

I snort. “Detective Hart, are you implying that there’s no other way a man like Sebastian would be interested in me?”

“Do you know he’s engaged to another woman?” Snyder says.

“Yes, I do, but he’s breaking it off,” I say, hoping my consternation doesn’t register in my face. I only learned of this information last night. This revelation would have floored me otherwise.

They exchange disappointed glances, apparently they thought this would have thrown me for a loop. Maybe rattle some critical information from me as a woman scorned and betrayed. It occurs to me how little they must have on Sebastian if they keep barking up this tree to get the goods.

It’s not that I’m anti-cop. I believe the majority of them are good men trying to do their best in a difficult situation. All professions have their bad apples who by all accounts deserve to be in prison, not wielding a badge and gun. But these two detectives seem all right. But I know they’d have a field day with Sebastian’s gun and never believe that he was acting in self-defense.

But what they don’t know, hell, even Sebastian doesn’t know is that I still have the gun. Hid it away in a safe place instead of throwing it in the river as I had informed Sebastian. I’m not a complete lovestruck dolt. I had a feeling that one day, that gun might prove to be my life insurance. So, I let the police believe I never saw the gun and allowed Sebastian to believe it’s at the murky bottom of the Hudson River.

“Gentlemen, if there’s nothing else, I’ve got to be somewhere.” I don’t way for their reply, simply leave them standing there.

My cell phone vibrates with a text message.
