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I grin at her. Happy to see she’s viewing this as our predicament, not just mine. “This isn’t my first rodeo, babe. We’ll get it and I’ll take care of the rest.” She’s still frowning. “Look, why don’t I go. Just let your roommates know that I’m on my way and that I’ll be picking up a few of your things.”

Her face lights up. “That would be so great, Bash. My whole medical career could go up in flames if I were found with it. You know?”

“Yep, which is precisely why I’m going to take care of it.” I stop to look at her. “I’m not going to let any of this blow back on you. You know that, right?”

She holds my gaze. “You’d never do anything intentionally to put me at risk, but with the cops riding my ass, we can’t be too careful.”

“Agreed.” I turn back to the stove to tend to the omelet. “You stay here with Nick today, or do I need to have Tessa come over?”

“Nah, give Tessa the day off. I’ll look in on Nick and catch up on patient files.” She chuckles. “It’s hard to believe that in 2 months, I graduate medical school and,” she crosses her fingers on both hands, “will begin my cardiothoracic surgery rotation.”

“In June, right?” I say over my shoulder. “You get a break in there between March and June. We should go somewhere on holiday. Give yourself time to rest up and recharge before your grueling residency schedule starts.”

She’s nodding at the prospect. “That’s actually a great idea. It’s funny, we really haven’t had much time to just hang out with each other. So, spending a few weeks doing nothing but that, we’ll either fall more madly in love or kill each other.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I say dead pan. “It’s probably best that we leave all weapons at home…just in case.” I grin as I slide the omelet onto her plate.

She takes up her utensils. “I could never hate a gorgeous man who makes me breakfast every morning,” she says slicing into her omelet.

“Depends on what’s in it,” I say.

The burst of laughter escapes her before she takes a bite. I love the sound of Mads’ laughter, the deep throaty sound of it as if she’s laughing from her soul. “So, where did you have in mind?”

I shrug. “We could split our time. Spend a couple of weeks on some luxurious Caribbean Island and then,” I wait until she lifts her eyes to mine, “you could let me show you Moscow.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. She carefully chews her food and then replies. “I’d love to see Moscow with you.”

Not the exuberant response I desired but it will do. “Wonderful, I’ll make the arrangements.” I need to present her to the family. I’m walking her down the aisle regardless of their approval, but it’s important that I give them the chance to weigh in on my future bride.

Her phone beeps with a text message. Her eyes fly over the screen. “Ha, Doctor Neely is asking me to assist with a quadruple by-pass this Friday. Awesome!”

“That’s my girl!”

“That’s doctor to you, mister.”

I chuckle. “I’m so incredibly proud of you, Mads. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing with a guy like me, but I’m damn glad you are.”

A pensive expression falls over her face. “Last night I’d never been so frightened in my life. But when you burst into the room, I’d never felt so alive or so happy to be with you. Sometimes it feels like I’m living some crazy novel where you have no idea what’s going to happen from one chapter to the next.” She crinkles her nose adorably. “But a part of me kind of loves it.” She fixes her eyes on me. “Or maybe I just love you, any way I can have you.”

I stop what I’m doing and come around the bar to her. I cradle her face in my hands. “You’re the most important thing to me in the world. Everything that I do from here on out, I’m doing it for us, for our future.” I kiss her tenderly, letting her know that as much as I desire her, the tender bond we share is what I prize above all else.

Just then the toasts popped up. “Either the toast is ready or it’s just really happy to see us.”

I chuckle and wonder what I ever did before this woman entered my life. I go for the toast, but she hops off her stool.

“No, you’ve already waited on me,” she says, grabbing the toast. “Go get ready, I’m assisting on an angioplasty tomorrow morning, I think I can handle buttering toast.”

I back away laughing. “It’s all yours, doc. I’m out of here. Oh, hey,” I say, halting at the first step. “Don’t forget we have Yuri’s wedding on Saturday. It’s really important that you be there with me. So, don’t go changing up your shifts on me, all right?”

“Yuri’s wedding, that’s right,” she says, snapping her fingers. “I need a dress for it. I’ll borrow one of Donna’s. When you go pick up my stuff, I’ll have her toss it in.”

I frown. “Why’re you borrowing a dress?”

She smiles demurely. “I want to look nice for you, and I’ve got nothing but the couple of dresses you’ve already seen me in.”

I lean against the stair rail. “Ok, first of all you could show up in a paper bag and you’d be the best-looking thing in the room. Second of all, if you want a nice dress, go buy one.” When she starts to object over the expense, I quickly add, “It’s a gift from me.”

Her face sours mockingly. “First you have me move in, insist I drive one of your cars and now you want to dress me? I’m beginning to feel like a kept woman.”
