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“You’re barking up the wrong tree, Roberts,” I say, placing my hands on the armrest. “I’ve got patients to see.”

He cranes forward in his chair, “If I can’t get Sergei, I’m coming after your boyfriend. I’ll take him down and anyone near him, including you.”

“That doesn’t sound like justice, agent Roberts, it sounds like a vendetta,” I say as I rise and move out from behind the desk. “Like it’s gone from professional to personal.”

Roberts stands but doesn’t block my path.

Tubbs is standing at the door, his eyes fixed upon me. “We heard Petrosky broke it off with his fiancée…so you two are really that serious, huh?”

Was that a look of jealousy or pity in his intense brown eyes?

“I’m late for rounds,” I say as I exit the door.

“She definitely knows something,” I hear Halls grumble.

Chapter 20 – Fishing Expedition

TheminutethatIget off the phone with Madison, I place a call to Jim Donaldson, a cop with a horrible gambling addiction that keeps him on our payroll.

“Why did I have to find out second hand that the DEA has a hard on for me?”

“I told you they were looking at Sergei, I didn’t know just how close until he went missing,” Donaldson spills. “They’re going apeshit down here at the precinct trying to figure out what happened to Sergei.” He chuckles nervously. “Roberts was hoping this was going to be his big catch to make his career. He’s pissing tears over this, so—”

“So, they’ve got nothing, this is just a fishing expedition?”

“Yeah, but they’re hoping to squeeze your girl for some information, so, you know,” he chuckles again. “You may need to handle that.”

“They’re wasting their time, there’s nothing there,” I say tersely for any who might be listening. “All they’re managing to do is piss me off.”

“Right,” he quickly adds. “I’m just letting you know is all.”

“That’s just it, youdidn’tlet me know.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll do better.”

“I want to know what you know before you know it, understand?”

“You got it, I’m on top of it, all over it,” he sputters.

I let the silence speak the unspoken threats. This guy owes us nearly a hundred g’s, we overlook it in exchange for good intel which hasn’t been forthcoming of late.

“Uh…are we good?” he asks.

“You got one more chance, then we call in your debt…even if we have to take it out of your hide.” I end the call and check the time. It’s only been five minutes since Madison called but if feels like an eternity.

I promised her my business wouldn’t affect her job, but now those bastards are camping out at the hospital.

I pace outside in front of the jeweler, hoping my trip here isn’t in vain. The timing couldn’t be worse with our upcoming trip to Yuri’s wedding. I have a lot riding on it.

But what if this proves to be too much for Mads? What if she keeps silent about the gun and Sergei but decides it’s too risky to be with me and tries to leave.

I search for a bench as I suddenly feel the need to sit down. It’s as if someone’s just knocked the breath out of me. Three months ago, I didn’t even know Madison Graham existed and now I feel like I can’t fucking breathe without her. Something deep within me smiles every time I think of her, of the way we are together. When I think of all she’s done for me and the way she feels when we’re tangled in the sheets, the words I love you roll off my tongue so easily because I’m simply speaking from my heart. But if I truly love her, shouldn’t I leave her be and watch her burgeoning career from afar?

I will…if it comes to that, but for now, I’m going to fight like hell to hold onto the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I’m jarred back to the present when I feel my phone vibrate in my hands. It’s Madison.

“Where are you?” I quickly ask. “Are you sure you can talk?”
