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“I’m telling you, there’s more money in it. I didn’t spend all those years earning a MBA and working on Wall Street for nothing. I think it’s about time we started thinking more with our heads and less with our fists.”

“Ah, but where’s the fun in that?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll keep your club and run all the action you want.”

“What about you? You might be making a fuck load of money, but with no heads to crack, how will you get through the day?”

“Ha, now you’re a fucking comedian.”

“Seriously, I just hope you know what you’re doing, Bash,” he laments. “You’re making a lot of changes all of a sudden. Not everyone’s going to like it.”

“We’ve got to grow and adapt, be smarter. Let the rest of these assholes squabble over the petty stuff. We go big, where the real money is.”

“I hear ya, Bash. Just let me know what you need me to do.”

“For now, just keep your ear to the ground,” I say. “I have a strong feeling Orlov’s going to strike out at me to make some powerplay.”

“You got eyes on the doc?”

“Yeah, Dmitri and his brother.” I reply, dying a little inside thinking about what almost happened to Madison. “I won’t ever make that mistake again.”

He laughs. “After what she did to Boba, I don’t think they’ll try that again. Imagine what she could do if she had all her medical tools on her. Talk about being a valuable asset.”

I smirk. “She’s a surgeon not an interrogator, Stieg.”

“Hey, you never know. Surgeon by day, master interrogator by night. She looked pretty capable when she sliced Boba’s junk off.”

I laugh at the memory. “The fat fuck deserved it.” But then my spirits sink. “The DEA and her boss are really leaning on her.”

“The DEA? What the fuck, Bash?”

“It’s fine, they know nothing. They’re just pissed that Sergei’s off the menu, so they’re looking for new meat. Namely me.”

“Shit, this isn’t good. They’ll be up our asses trying to find something.”

“I’m not worried about that. Half the shit Sergei was into, I wouldn’t touch. I’m more concerned about what this is doing to Madison. Her boss is leaning on her hard to cut me loose.”

“Damn, Bash. That’s rough but with you guys getting pressure from both sides…do you think maybe…I don’t know.”

“No, I don’t think about any of that. I know just how to deal with Madison’s boss.”

“Jesus, Bash. What about all the new direction, less bloodwork talk?”

“Use your brain, Stieg. No one’s going to rough her up, I’ve got something far better in mind.”

“You’ve got my attention.”

“Let’s just say the chief resident’s background isn’t so pristine as she’d have Mads believe, in fact, I could have her medical license revoked.”

Stieg chuckles. “Damn, what’s this one done? It makes you think twice about ever going to the hospital again.”

“Never mind that. The point is, she’s about to back off of Madison.” I note the time. “Look, man, I have to cut over to a conference call. Catch you later.”

“Later, Bash.”

After handling the days business, I make a call to Che Pierre’s to have one of Madison’s favorite meals prepared and delivered to our home. Once it arrives at 6:30pm, I set an elegant table for two and open a bottle of pinot noir. I play some soft ethereal music she loves and dim the lights.

Madison’s shift ended at 6:30pm, which means she ought to be pulling into the garage at about 6:50pm. A quick check of the tracking device tells me she’s on route as scheduled. I grab a quick shower and make myself as irresistible as possible. She’s just been grilled by the DEA and leaned on by her boss. I’ve really got to bring my A-game to turn this around.
