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“It’s not so bad,” Madison says, “Just scootch your tie over that way.”

“Can you believe this?” I laugh. “And they call themselves a five-star establishment.”

“I know, it’s shocking really,” she says over enthusiastically like someone very nervous about a task they have to perform. What in the blazes did they say to her?

Chapter 27 – The Wire

“Heknows!Getthe warehouse address, then go to the lady’s room!” was the fevered whisper in my ear. They suspect that Bash is aware I’m wearing a wire and is feeding me a line of bullshit. They don’t realize I’m the one who told him.

Now I have to ratchet up the frightened little bunny act. In truth, I’m getting a little nervous about how this is going to go down now that they think they need to rescue me from Bash. It could get downright ugly.

I take a big swig from my wine glass.

“Mads, are you alright?” Bash asks.

I nod and glance away from him. “I know we don’t want to talk about shop anymore, but I’m a little nervous about the big match reveal for the residency selection.”

He chuckles. “Seriously, it’s in the bag. Madison, you know you’re getting the surgical residency. You can’t really be concerned about that.”

“Are you kidding me? With the DEA buzzing around and the chief resident giving me the stink eye all the time.” I sigh heavily as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders. “I just wish we could give them something substantial enough to make them go away for good.”

He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head as if he’s exasperated with the topic. “My God, I’ll be glad when they announce the selections so you can see you’ve worried yourself over nothing.”

“I don’t want to gamble with my career, Bash. I’ve worked too damn hard to get where I am.”

He leans forward narrowing his eyes at me. “What do you want me to do, Mads? Huh? How do I make this stop?” he snaps.

“Throw them off your trail by giving them the warehouse location where you found Sergei’s remains,” I reply and take another sip of the wine. My eyes dart toward our waiter before returning to the tabletop.

He rubs his face with his hands as if exhausted. “Those keystone cops couldn’t find it if I drew them a map with a big fat X on it.”

“Babe, do it for me, please,” I say anxiously. I tug at my dress strap again, the wire is so irritating.

Bash sits back in his chair and stares at the ceiling. “Fine,” he exhales. “I’ll leave an anonymous tip for them tomorrow morning.” His gaze falls back to me. “Are you happy now? Can we please enjoy the rest of the evening?”

He knows they need the name right now, but he’s going to make this difficult.

“I think it would extend a lot of goodwill if it would come from me, you know,” I offer. “So, they’d feel like I was cooperating with them.”

“Jesus, Mads,” he says raising his voice.

I cower, lowering my head, playing the part of a terrified woman as the agents look on.

“It’s the Rockwell warehouse on East 29thstreet near the docks, bay 18. They can take in some dogs to sniff him out. If they’re too stupid to find it, that’s on them,” he says and fixes a hard glare on me. “Now, for the love of God, can you drop it?”

“I’m sorry,” I say demurely. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Bash.”

He looks askance at me. “Why are you acting so weird? This isn’t like you, Mads. What’s going on?”

I shift in my chair but won’t meet his eyes. “Nothing, I’m just tired I suppose. All the stress of the last two weeks is really getting to me.” I look directly at him and force a smile. “I promise, I’ll let it go and we’ll enjoy the evening.”

His frown melts away and he reaches across the table and takes my hand, “That’s all I wanted, babe. To show you a good time tonight and remind ourselves why we fell in love with each other.”

I smirk. “Did you really think I needed a reminder? All I have to do is look into those eyes and I’m done.”

A slow grin spreads across his face. “As good of a time as we’re having, I can’t wait to get you home and out of that dress.” His grin broadens, “In fact, I can’t promise I’ll wait till we get home.”

I genuinely laugh almost forgetting I’m supposed to be terrified. “Play your cards right and I’ll make the limousine ride home very worth your while.”

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