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“Do you have a suspect among them? Someone in line with your sister?”

“No. And we haven’t proven that it’s my sister.”

But his face said that it wasn’t out of the question, not when his sister was the one who could benefit the most from his disappearance. Her chest ached. Her family had always been her most dependable anchor, the ones who would never betray her despite their differences. That he might not have that with his sister…

Don’t get emotional.

“Where have you been, anyway?” she asked casually.

“I just had a little errand.”

“Your sister was looking for you. I don’t think she was pleased that you left before she could talk to you.”

“Talking with my sister involves hours of her discussing ways to improve our court, complaining about our court, and nagging me about my…not-so-tame habits.” Light danced in his magenta eyes, then sobered. “Why did you leave the festivities?”

“I wanted to explore.”

“I see. Here.”

She looked down at his extended hand, expecting him to either invite her back to the banquet or offer to accompany her in her exploration. The world stopped when her focus landed on what he held in his palm, small but sparkly…more valuable to her than anything she could imagine.

“What? How did…?”

Casually, he nudged her numb hand open and transferred the gemstone there, fisting her hand around it and wrapping his on top. The warmth of his touch contrasted the coldness of the stone, but she gripped it tighter as he spoke.

“Yu might have mentioned that you wanted a gemstone from Tru. So, I searched his room and this was the only gemstone I could find. Is it the one you were looking for?”

Still stunned, she nodded. “It is. This was my mission before I was thrown on that island with you. The council wanted this gemstone and I was supposed to deliver it to them. It doesn’t belong to Tru. He stole it.”

“Well, then, hide it until you can get it to them. It’s small enough to be undetectable, so that should be fairly easy.”

He didn’t contest, didn’t ask questions. Guilt seeped in and her mouth went dry, understanding that him getting found in Tru’s room and taking stuff would have gotten him in at least some form of trouble.

“Rick. I didn’t tell you because…”

“You don’t have to explain,” he cut in. “If Tru kept it that carelessly in his room, it must not have been as important to him as it was to you. Consider it a thank you for getting me off that island.”

“We got each other off that island.”

“Hmm.” He smirked. “I suppose my face and charming personality helped.”

She rolled her eyes. Laughter tickled her throat but was interrupted when voices drifted in the background. They weren’t the familiar voices of his friends earlier but two giggling women.

“He is so hot. He was dancing so intensely earlier and it was like seeing a whole new side of him. I didn’t know he could be that broody.”

“Right? Broody looks hot on him. I got so wet when the others talked about their experiences with him but imagine if we got into bed with him while he was all moody, maybe even angry. Did you hear he fucked the court’s last visitor in her bedroom, while her father was negotiating deals for an alliance with Princess Erin? I bet his current visitor’s already enjoying herself.”

There was a wistful sigh. “Lucky bitch. I wouldn’t be surprised considering they were already eye-fucking each other on the dance floor.”

The laughter stuck in her throat threatened to thunder out, incredulity and mortification battling each other. When they were gone, she gaped at him.

“What is it with you and these women? Do you have a magic cock or something?”

Rick had the gall to chortle, humor dancing in his features. He held up his hands. “Or something. I don’t even know them, and the visitor thing was a rumor. Are you jealous again?”

“I never was. I almost feel guilty.”

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