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“Ellis informed us that she has been forced to file for sole custody. After the disaster of the divorce, this was the last thing we needed,” my father said, getting down to business.

“Right, because my life and the welfare of my son is really an inconvenience to you,” I said as I fought to keep my eyes from rolling.

“Your actions reflect upon this family, and I will not have my reputation soiled because you are unable to keep your house in order. The divorce was bad enough, but now a custody battle,” my father started.

“Why can’t you simply work this out with Ellis like a civilized human being? She is his mother; it only makes sense that Christian is with her,” my mother finished.

“You have done nothing but criticize her for over a year since she abandoned Christian. You have gone on and on about how a horrible mother and human being she is. And now you want me to hand over my son because it’s more convenient for you both?”

I couldn’t believe the hypocrisy. For over a year they have done nothing but berate me about how I chose Ellis and married her. That she was a gold digger and I wasn’t smart enough to see through it before marrying her. Now they wanted me to just go quietly into the night and give her my son. This was fucking bullshit. I knew they were both old fashioned and I knew they didn’t want this to get dragged into the press. But that didn’t mean I was going to hand my son over to make things easier for them. For them to save face.

“When did she even call you? Was it last night after I had to go and get Christian and bring him home because she was too drunk to even take care of him? That’s the life you want for your grandson, whom you supposedly love?”

“We do love him,” my mother instantly argued.

“She called last night upset about how you were keeping Christian from her. I hardly think drinking after he was in bed is any crime. You’re here in the middle of the day drinking,” my father countered.

“While my son is being taken care of by a sober adult. He’s not sitting here watching me.” I held my hands up slightly in surrender. “I’m done talking about this. If you came down to show me support during this difficult time, then order something. But if you came down here to lecture and dictate my life, you can leave.”

I wasn’t going to tolerate anyone ordering me around, and I wasn’t going to allow anyone to tell me what was best for my son. They weren’t impressed by my refusal. Apparently, they weren’t here for me though, because they got up and walked away.

This morning fucking sucked.


Itwasjustafterten when the front door opened and Liam came home. I had been staying with the boys after they had gone to bed. I knew Liam didn’t want them sleeping in the same bed, but he hadn’t come back home yet and it was past their bedtime. I couldn’t exactly leave one boy alone in the house. It was one thing to sit outside for thirty minutes and another to be in a completely different house. I was just hoping that Liam understood that.

I turned from my spot on the couch to see Liam walking into the living room. He was looking a little rough though. His coat was off, his dress shirt was untucked, and his tie was draped around his neck.

“Are you drunk?” I asked with a smile.

“Maybe,” he answered with a goofy smile as he tossed his jacket towards the chair, but missed, and it landed on the floor.

“Oh my god you are. Mr. Tight Ass Control Freak is drunk,” I gave a soft laugh at the sight of him.

Shit, maybe this man was full of surprises.

“I’m not a tight ass,” he countered as he went and collapsed down into the chair. I shot him a look that said it all and he rolled his eyes, “Fine, I’m not always a tight ass. Where’s the boys?”

“Asleep in Christian’s room, and before you start, I couldn’t exactly leave one of them alone to sleep in their own bed.”

He waved a hand at me in a dismissive manner, and I knew he didn’t care that they were sharing a bed. At least not right now.

“Why are you drunk on a Tuesday?” I highly doubted this was a typical thing for him so obviously something happened.

He reached over to grab his jacket that was on the floor. He almost fell out of the chair and I had to fight not to laugh at him. He finally dug out what he was looking for and tossed the papers down onto the coffee table. I picked ‘em up and looked to see they were custody papers from Ellis.

I couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t appropriate at all and I was certain he would take it the wrong way. I went and grabbed my own custody papers from the coffee table and placed both sets of paperwork down as I spoke.

“I see your custody papers and I will raise you more custody papers.”

“What?” he asked as he leaned forward and looked at my own. “When did this happen?”

“Today, not long after breakfast. Adam showed up. Apparently, my father is on his side and told him where I was. He showed up here and started demanding that I come back home with him. He didn’t even care that there was no love between us. He just wants his reputation and image restored.”

“He must miss Jeremy, though.”

“I wish I could say that with confidence. I can’t though. There were days where Adam didn’t even speak a single word to him.”
