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“You feel so good. All wet and hot around my cock. I want to feel you cum. Cum for me Baby.”

He began to truly thrust up into me, and my whole body was beginning to tingle. One more deep thrust and I saw a kaleidoscope of colors dancing all across my eyes as my whole body tightened, and I gave a deep moan as I came.

“Fuck,” Liam growled as he pounded into me even faster. I knew the tightening of my walls was squeezing him, and it only took a few more thrusts before he thrusted his hips one last time before I felt his cock pulsing inside of me.

The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing as we both continued to pulse against each other. Sex with Liam was always amazing, and it seemed like each time we out did ourselves. I leaned forward and placed my forehead against his as we tried to get control over our breathing. Things between us were getting out of hand, and I should be trying to get us back on track. The trick was, I didn’t want to. I was enjoying this time with him, even if we were opposites, and I knew there would be plenty more fights to come our way.

Not to mention I was keeping a massive secret from him. Regardless though, the sex was epic, and I didn't want to lose it. Maybe there was a way that we could keep both without it affecting us negatively. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking.


IgroanedasIstarted to wake up. Typically when I woke up, I was doing pretty good. If I didn't stay up too late, I could jump right out of bed when my alarm went off. This morning, not so much. I hadn’t gotten too drunk yesterday, but I had gotten drunk, and now I was paying for it. I slapped my hand out and grabbed my phone without opening my eyes. I turned the alarm off, and the sudden silence was a blessing on the pounding that was my head.

Ugh, I was not looking forward to going to work today. I had too many meetings to cancel though. I had already done that yesterday, and I couldn’t afford to do it twice. It wasn’t just about the clients; it was about time management. If I canceled, then it would push everyone back, and it would become a nightmare. I also had to call my lawyer and get him started on the custody case.

I forced my body to get up and the room spun for a second before it stopped. I grabbed my phone, and I sat back against my headboard. I pulled up my lawyer’s name, and I hit the phone icon. When I had gotten a divorce, I made sure to pick a lawyer that also did work in family court. I suspected it was only a matter of time before I would have to go through this process, and it would be easier for someone that already knew the history.


“Alvin, it’s Liam Mitchell.”

“Liam. How are you doing?” I could hear the smile in his voice, and I was hoping that meant he wasn’t too busy.

“I’ve had better days. Ellis has returned, and she is fighting me for full custody of Christian. The papers arrived yesterday.”

“Ah, well, you knew it was a possibility that this could come up in the future. Are you able to bring me the paperwork, or would you prefer for me to send someone to pick them up?”

“If you could send someone to my office to pick them up, that would be greatly appreciated. I am already behind the ball today.”

“Not a problem. I will have Jeffery go by later this morning. I am assuming you would like to keep sole custody.”

“She’s still drinking. Two nights ago, I came home only to discover Ellis had gone and picked up Christian at the park and brought him to her house. When I arrived she was drunk. There were empty wine bottles all over the kitchen. Christian was up in his room. I took him out of there, and yesterday she served me.”

It still pissed me off, but I was a firm believer in not stressing over something I couldn’t control. I had to remember that for this custody battle, because Ellis was going to do and say things that were designed to hurt me. Designed to make me furious and cause me to make a reckless decision. I had to keep my emotions in check and prove that I was stable and better suited for Christian at this time.

“I’ll add that to the file, and I will have it where her hair is tested so there is a record of how often she is consuming alcohol and if there are any other drugs within her. We need to establish a base for concerns. Any text messages that you receive from her, keep them on your phone and only politely respond. Do not engage in an argument with her,” he strongly advised.

“I will do that. There is one other matter I was hoping you could help me with as well.”

I was hedging my bets that Jasmine wasn’t going to be furious over this. However, I wasn’t too certain on her financial situation, but I did know that her trust wasn’t very large. Francis made a point of keep his money close to him, even when it came to his only child.

“Of course. What can I do for you?”

“There is another court case I would like for you to take on for me as well. Jasmine Garcia. She has a three-year-old boy, and her ex-fiancé is suing her for sole custody.”

I had no idea how Jasmine was going to handle the news of me paying for her legal bills. And technically, I should be speaking to her about this first. However, I had more than enough money to cover the cost. It wasn’t even about the money or if she was able to afford it. It was the fact that I didn’t like Henry, Adam’s father.

I had never liked him. He was a shady character. He had always been shady. He had no problem backstabbing someone or blackmailing someone even to get what he wanted. The man had no morals, and when Francis informed me that they were going to be business partners, part of me understood it. Francis had always been the one that wanted more. It didn’t matter what it was; he wanted as much of it as he could.

Being partnered with Henry allowed him to go to any lengths to make more money. To make so much that he could rub it in his parents’ face. It allowed him to embrace the darker aspects of his personality without the negative image being painted on him. I hadn’t met Adam. The only time I had seen him was at the wedding that never happened.

If he was anything like Henry, he wasn’t a good man. Based on what few pieces of information Jasmine had shared with me, he wasn’t a good father either. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that he wouldn’t speak to Jeremy some days. I couldn’t imagine ever doing that. Even on the days where I was away for business, I still called and did video chats with Christian. I made sure the time was available so I could call him before bed or in the morning when he got up. Being a parent wasn’t easy, but it was worth all of the effort that went into it. I wasn’t going to allow him to use his father’s reputation or money to win this court case.

“Alright, I can look it over and meet with her to see where she would like to go with it. I am assuming she wants sole?”

“To my knowledge she does. Her ex lives in Miami. I don’t know if she is looking to stay in Oregon or move back to Florida. That would be something you would have to discuss with her.”

I was truly hoping she wanted to stay. Staying here would be a fresh start for her. It would also be good for her and Jeremy to not be influenced by Adam or either grandfathers.
