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I needed to be able to speak to a lawyer because I had to know what would happen if the truth came out. Would that mean Adam wouldn’t be able to sue me for custody? Would he have any rights because he was on the birth certificate and had been in Jeremy’s life for the past three years? And if he held zero rights, that eliminated Adam, but I would then be in for a fight for my life with Liam.

Liam was trying to keep the door open for Ellis, but she hadn’t lied or hid a son from him for three years. Sure, I wasn’t around Liam when I discovered the truth, but I also couldn’t say I couldn’t find him. I knew his name. I could have easily located him and got in touch. I chose to put my head in the sand, and now it was all starting to blow up in my face.


I needed to stop stressing over this. It wasn't going to help me right now. I had two little boys that needed some attention, and I desperately needed a distraction. I put the last plate into the dish rack. I wasn’t too certain what we were going to do today. I had been hoping that we could go outside, maybe to the beach, but it was cloudy and supposed to rain. Which meant we needed to find something to do inside for some fun.

“Okay guys, what would you like to do?” I asked as I joined them at the table.

“Build a fort,” Jeremy tossed out.

“We could do that,” I easily agreed.

I suspected that Christian had never built a fort before. It would have been considered too messy. I would just need to make sure it was all cleaned up before Liam got home.

“What about you Christian? Is there anything you would like to do today?”

“What’s a fort?” he asked as his little eyebrows scrunched together.

“You don’t know what a fort is?” I asked with a warm smile, and he shook his head. “A fort is when you take blankets from around the house and put them over chairs or the couches. You make your own hiding space. Inside we can put pillows down, and we can even have it so the TV can be seen. You guys could watch a movie, and we could play some games. It’s a great way to spend a rainy day.”

I would have suggested that we go outside and jump in the puddles, but I suspected that might be taking things a bit too far for Christian right now. We would have to build up to that. The fort would work great to keep them distracted so I could do my own research on lawyers. I had no idea if I was going to go with Alvin, but if I didn’t, I needed to make sure I had one ready to go. I knew I needed to respond to the request for sole custody within thirty days in the Portland family court house.

“Messy?” Christian asked, still very unsure about the idea of getting anywhere in the house a bit dirty.

“It can be, but I promise we will have it all cleaned up before your dad gets home. He’ll never know. What do you say?”

I couldn’t exactly make the kid build a fort, but I was hoping he would be open to the idea of some fun. He needed more fun in his life. The type of fun where you didn’t have to worry or question if it would get something dirty. He needed to be able to completely let himself go and just be a normal kid. Even if that had to happen when Liam wasn’t around to see the pure joy on his face.

“Mmm …okay,” he said, but I could hear the hesitation within his voice. It felt so wrong to hear coming from a three-year-old.

“Don’t worry. You will have a blast. I promise.” After all, what kid didn’t like a fort?

“Alright, we need to hunt down some blankets!” I cheered and the boys got up, and we all made our way up the stairs.

I was going to have to use the dining room chairs in the living room to make it work, but hopefully we could find enough blankets that would work to cover them without it being too heavy. There was a science to this after all. The good thing was there was plenty of room in the living room for it.

We all ran around and grabbed everything we could think of that would be great for the fort. Once we had our building materials, we headed back down to the living room, and I grabbed some of the dining room chairs and got them spread out. There were plenty of them so it was going to be a great fort for the boys.

With the blankets tossed on top, we got a couple blankets down on the floor and added some pillows. The boys crawled in, and there was a massive smile across both of their faces.

“What do you think?” I asked them.

“Cool!” Christian answered, and his eyes were practically sparkling.

“Do you guys want me to put on a movie for you or do you want to play a game?”

I wanted them to keep bonding. More so because they were brothers. I didn’t care that they were only half-brothers. I was never one to distinguish between full or half blood in a family. Family was family, and it came in all shapes and sizes. It was important that they got along. That they could form a bond, even if they thought that bond was friendship.

“Nemo!” Jeremy cheered.

“Yeah, Nemo!” Christian agreed, and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes and beg them to pick any other movie.

“I’ll queue it up,” I said as I got up and went over to the TV. The movie was already in it because what else could we ever watch?

After I got up running, I left them alone so I could head over to my house to grab some things. I wanted to do some crafts with them later. It would not only keep my mind busy, but it would let them get creative. I wanted Christian to have more creativeness in his life. It was perfect to help with his mental development. Plus when you paint and use scissors, it works your fine motor skills, and that was something every child needed.

Afterwards, I would make some calls and see about a lawyer. I had no idea what I was going to do about Liam and his offer. Thankfully, I had some time to think about it and try to determine the right course of action. For now, I was going to enjoy the day with the boys and see what mess we could make. And hey, maybe tonight I could convince Liam to make our own mess.
