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Iwasdoingmybest to try and see things from her perspective. It wasn’t easy because I was still upset by all of this. Mostly by the fact that I had missed out on three years of my son’s life. I would have been there for all of it. I would have made sure Jasmine was out here with me. It would have made everything complicated with Ellis. I had no idea how she would have handled sharing that spotlight, but I would have dealt with the headache. I would have done anything that I needed to in order for all of us to be around each other. Christian and Jeremy were half-brothers; they deserved to grow up in the other’s life.

As hard as it was, I had to try and see things from her perspective. Yes, it was a one-night stand, an epic one, but we were strangers. It wasn’t uncommon for a woman who got pregnant from a one-night stand to not inform the father. Was it the right thing to do? That was debatable, but it happened all the time. I was more bothered by the fact that she didn’t tell me once she arrived. Sure, maybe not right when she walked through the front door, but she could have spoken up and said Jeremy was mine.

I would have handled that better than finding out after three weeks of having him in my home. And I suspected the only reason she was telling me was because of something Alvin said to her.

“Were you ever going to tell me?” I asked her as calmly as I could manage. I was doing my best to prepare myself for the sounding no that was going to come out of her mouth.

“Yes. I know it might not seem like it. But yes, I was planning on telling you. I don’t know when, but I was.”

I believed her, or I wanted to, I guess I should say. “Am I to assume that the only reason you told me tonight was because Alvin said something?”

She gave a nod before she spoke, “I told him everything, and he gave me the options that are basically we either don’t inform the courts of Jeremy’s true paternity and fight it out between Adam and I. Or we do tell the courts, and Adam will either relinquish his request and remove his name from Jeremy’s birth certificate, or he will keep fighting for full custody.”

“Why would he continue to fight? He’s not the father.” That was a little odd to me. Especially given how he had been treating Jeremy his whole life practically. Why fight for a child that wasn’t yours and one you didn’t seem to care for to begin with?

“Adam is all about appearances. It would be a massive blow to him and his image if it got out that he didn’t fight for a child he had been a father to for three years. It really depends on what Adam, and Henry, I guess want him to do. Alvin said that Adam is on Jeremy’s birth certificate, and he has been financially supporting him his entire life so he does have rights to Jeremy.”

Fucking bullshit. I knew it was the court’s way of protecting good parents and children should something come out of the shadows. If the father that had been there and was raising the child their whole life, if it came back that he wasn’t biologically their father he still had a chance to raise his child. It was a safety net in case the biological mother was a nightmare. However, it was really going to fuck with us now.

“What did Alvin recommend?” I was going to guess option two, but sometimes he comes out of left field.

“To inform the courts and Adam. He then said it would be better for you to fight on my side for us to have joint custody, even something informal between us. And in full disclosure, which I am sure he will tell you, you would also have the right to file for full custody, and it becomes a three-way fight should Adam not drop out.”

There’s a shitshow if I ever saw one. I couldn’t imagine having to fight two other people for full custody. I couldn’t imagine the poor judge and lawyers trying to work all of that out. Not to mention the poor child in the middle of it all. Fuck. I suspected she was terrified that I was going to do just that. That I would use my connections and get her out of the running and then take down Jeremy. I would be a complete asshole to do it, and that wasn’t something I would ever be able to live with myself over.

“I’m not going to do that. We’ll fight him together, and I am sure we can figure out some type of agreement between us. I know you are not Ellis. I know you are a great mother, and Jeremy and Christian are safe with you. I’m not worried about it, and I have no problem doing something informal with you. We can work all of that out afterwards.”

I had no reason to keep Jeremy from her. The only reason I was doing any of this with Ellis was because of her drinking. She was a danger to Christian and once she stopped being one, then she could be back in his life. Keeping a child away from their parent should be a last resort and only done when it was in the child’s best interests. That was my situation with Ellis and not with Jasmine.

“Really?” she asked, completely taken aback, and it bothered me that she was so surprised by it. She genuinely believed that I was going to try and keep Jeremy from her. I thought she knew me better than that, but it appeared that I had some work cut out for me.

“Of course. What is going on with Ellis is a safety issue; you know that. Once she is sober, then she can be in Christian’s life, and he can spend the weekends with her or go on vacations together. I just need to know that he is safe with her and not going to be around drugs and alcohol. For Jeremy, it is best that we fight it out together.”

It was going to be a massive blow out when the truth came out. No one was going to take it well, especially not Francis. I had enough problems with him trying to interfere with Ellis’ case. Once word got out about Jeremy, it was going to be an all-out war, one he was not going to win. I meant what I said. I knew where his skeletons were buried, and if I had to drag them out into the light, then I would. Now I had two sons that needed me to protect them, and I was not going to fail them.

“My father is going to lose his mind,” I could hear the fear in her voice, and I hated it. No child should have to fear their parents.

“I will deal with him. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Easier said than done,” she said with a minute smile.

I reached over and took her hand within mine. “I know.”

It was going to be a nightmare, but I was going to do everything within my power to protect her as best as I could.

“I truly am sorry about all of this.”

I could hear how sincere she was. Part of me wished I could hate her. All of this would be easier and less painful if I could. But I could remember being her age and terrified of everything I couldn’t control. I have no idea what I would have done in her position, but there was a chance I would have done the exact same thing.

“I know you are. I forgive you. I just want to move forward and focus on what matters and not the past.” Forgiving someone was not easy, but I meant every word. It was better for us to focus on what truly mattered and not whatever shit happened in the past. We had a son together, and we needed to be a united front in order to win against Adam and his asshole of a father.

She gave me a genuine smile, and I couldn’t stop myself from leaning forward and pressing my lips against hers. She tensed for a second, and I could tell she was surprised that I had kissed her. After a moment of surprise, she was kissing me back, and it took no time at all before things got heated. It took no time at all before our clothes were tossed on the floor. She pushed me down onto the couch as she quickly climbed on top of me. I knew what she wanted, and I fumbled around for my pants to find my wallet and grab the condom that I knew was in it.

I managed to grab it and slip it on as I felt her hot core starting to descend down onto my cock. Fuck, she felt so good. By the time she was fully seated on my cock, we were both breathing heavily as the pleasure was scorching through us. With this position, I knew it was going to feel amazing for her and with each movement, my cock would hit her sweet spot dead on.

She sat up straight and rocked her hips back and forth. I slid my hands down to her ass and gave it a small love tap. She mewled at the added pleasure as she slowly began to bounce up and down on my cock, making sure I was fully inside of her with each bounce.
