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“I do. He was sincere. He’s hurt, but he’s not going to cause pain to Jeremy to get back at me or you. He said he would do it today so he could be on his way back home come morning.”

“Wow. I guess today is full of miracles.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I just got back a couple of hours ago from the courthouse. Judge Allen called me and Alvin in. Last night, Ellis was arrested for a DUI. She was three times over the legal limit and drove into someone’s house.”

“What?” Her jaw almost hit the floor at the news.

“No one was hurt, but she was arrested. Her lawyer is trying to work out a deal with the DA. Judge Allen awarded me full custody of Christian.”

“Are you telling me that we won both cases?” she was completely shocked by this and so was I. It was like a dream.

“We won both. Ellis will have to go through rehab and prove to the courts that she is six months sober, but at that point, my hope is that when we reach that point, her and I can be in a better place and discuss her seeing Christian without the hassle of a courtroom. For now though, no more courts.”

“This is unbelievable. We don’t have to worry about court any longer. Our boys are ours,” she said with a massive smile.

“They’re ours.”

She let out the happiest squeal I had ever heard as she tossed her arms around my neck. I easily wrapped my arms around her as we celebrated this massive stress that had been taken off of our shoulders. We could now finally start to be a family. A real family. It was everything I had wanted, and I could not wait to put all of this behind us and finally get to live our lives together.



Six Months Later…

“Where are we going?” I asked as we walked over a few rocky cliffs.

Liam had asked Jillian to watch the boys over at the house while he whisked me away to somewhere. He wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me, but I had trusted him. The past six months had been remarkable. Having both of the boys together and we had explained to them that they were brothers. It was an interesting conversation with a lot of questions, but I thought we handled it well.

Adam had indeed signed away his parental rights, and I removed his name from Jeremy’s birth certificate and we added Liam’s. Both of the boys were enrolled in the same school for September, and they were both excited and concerned about starting school. It was a huge help that they would be together, and I knew they were going to love it.

Ellis had gotten her legal issues under control. She took a plea deal and was set to do three months in rehab, which she completed and even requested to stay in. She was working her way towards her six-month stint. I was proud of her, same as Liam. He had actually brought Christian to see her in rehab, and everything went really well. She was apologetic and had shown a great deal of remorse for her actions. It gave us both hope that she was turning her life around, and when she was ready, she could be in Christian’s life.

“To one of my favorite places. You are going to love it,” he said with a warm smile as he expertly guided me through the right path.

“I’m sure I will.” I didn’t doubt for a single second that wherever he was going to take me was going to be beautiful. The stars were already amazing. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous they were. Even after the past six months.

“How was your mom?” he asked.

“She’s doing well. She’s all set to come down next month, and she is really looking forward to it.”

My mom was the biggest improvement over the past six months. A massive improvement that I wasn’t honestly certain would happen. After the whole circus in court, she had left with my father, and it took a good five weeks before she had reached out to me. I had done my best to not be hurt by it. I knew how my father was and how she was. I wasn’t expecting her to inform me that she had been considering divorcing my father. I mean it was a nuclear size shock to me.

As it turned out, he had been cheating on her for the bulk of their marriage, but she looked the other way. Everything with Jeremy coming out and how he handled it truly showed her what type of man he was at his core. She could no longer put up with his shit, and I was proud of her. They had a prenup, but my mom was pretty much covered from her trust fund. She had finalized her divorce, and she even purchased a house in Newport so she could be closer to me and Jeremy.

It felt like we were finally going to be getting a chance to be a mother and daughter. It was something I was really looking forward to, and it was going to be amazing for Jeremy to get a closer relationship with his grandmother. Everything was falling into place, and I couldn’t have been happier.

“Oh my god, Liam. This is gorgeous,” I said as we finally reached the top of the cliff.

All I could see was a blanket of stars in the sky and the black ocean. The only light was that from the lighthouse across the way a bit. He took the blanket from underneath his arm and tossed it down for us to sit on it.

“I know; it’s why I love it up here so much. To be able to see all of the stars without any noise from the village. It’s like a little slice of Heaven,” he said as we both sat down.

We didn’t really bring anything outside of the blanket, but that was perfectly fine with me. The view was worth the walk up here, and I was getting to spend some much-needed alone time with the man I was madly in love with.

“It’s perfect,” I said with a loving smile.
