Page 37 of The Name Drop

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“Uh, thanks for the vote of confidence,” I say. “But you’re avoiding the question. What’s going on?”

She sighs. “Okay, CliffsNotes version is I found out Scott was cheating on me. And nope,” she says, pointing at my open mouth, ready to speak, “I will not be taking questions or accepting any sympathies. I was going to break up with him eventually anyways. He was only ever gonna be a summer fling. You know I like clean lines... I have to end something before starting something new. So this would have been over before I started USC in the fall anyways.”

I reach over and squeeze her hand. She squeezes back. She’s putting on a brave front. Whether she was going to end it or not, the situation hurt enough for her to have to escape to New York. And selfishly, I’m glad she’s here.

“Well, I’m happy to be your distraction for the weekend. Anything in particular you were hoping to do while in the city? One World Trade? Brooklyn Bridge?” I ask.

“I’ve only got one thing on my ‘must do’ list,” she says.

“Yeah? What is it?”

A very large smile with just a hint of wickedness spreads across her face.

Oh no.

“Meet Elijah Ri,” she says slowly.

That’s exactly what I was afraid of. She’s taking way too much pleasure in whatever romance she’s concocted in her head.

“Well, uh, your wish is my command, I guess. I’ve invited the interns to meet us for a water taxi ride to the Statue of Liberty. A lot of us had been talking about it and haven’t had the chance to go yet. It’s gonna be our first stop today.”

“Sweet. I’m excited to meet him.”

“Them, Ella. There is going to be more than one person there,” I say in a slight panic.

That hint of wickedness becomes a full-blown face of mischief.

“Please please please please please don’t embarrass me. Reminder, you’re my best friend. You’re supposed to be on my side,” I plead.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m one hundred percent on your side. Which means I only want what’s best for you. And I, for the life of me, can’t fathom why a very rich, very cute Korean boy isn’t exactly that.”

“I never said he was cute,” I mumble.

“I’ve seen your face when you talk about him. You didn’t have to,” she says.

“It doesn’t matter. Elijah and I are in a business relationship. A partnership. We need each other this summer.”Meaning, don’t make this complicated, Jessica.

“Uh-huh,” Ella draws out. “Look, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll play it cool.”

Ella hasn’t played anything cool a day in her life. It’s why I love her. She’s so much more outgoing and effusive and forward than I am.

Yeah, right, I’ve got nothing to worry about, nothing at all.

We arrive near the very bottom of Manhattan by Battery Park and pull up to the curb where a long line has already formed to board the next water taxi. I see Jason first, his tall head standing out above the rest. Elijah is next to him, along with Roy and Soobin. I’m relieved that some of them could actually make it on such short notice.

Jason waves the moment he sees us. I wave back, but my eyes slide immediately to Elijah. He gives a small side smile and lifts his hand slightly before dropping it.

“Hey, everyone, this is my best friend, Ella, who’s visiting for the weekend.”

Ella goes around the circle shaking hands and introducing herself to everyone. Jason, Roy, Soobin, and finally...

“And you must be Elijah Ri,” she says. She goes in for the hug, wrapping her arms around him like he’s her long-lost brother. Elijah stiffens and awkwardly pats her back.

So much for playing it cool.

Kill me now.

“Jessica has told me a lot about you—” I clear my throat loudly “—you know, since you both work on Team Logistics,” she says. Terrible save.
