Page 125 of Fighting the Pull

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“What’s David’s attorney say about all of this?” Hale asked.

“He says the house isn’t in her name, she didn’t put any money into it, the history is compelling, and she isn’t coming into the negotiations very strong, considering the adultery, and the fact she was able, but didn’t contribute to the household, even after us kids were capable of taking care of ourselves. Topping that, Dad also isn’t fighting the divorce or trying to screw her. But if they push it and it goes before a judge, it’s at the whims of the judge and anything could happen.”

“Anything” was not going to happen.

“Okay, baby, try not to worry about it.”

“That’s hard, Hale.”

“I know, Elsa. I’m sorry this is happening to you, to David. It’s dicked up.”

“It is.” He heard her take in a sharp breath, and then she said, “God, I love it that you called, but I have to go. I might have an in on interviewing a few women up in Misted Pines, Washington. Do you remember that whole sex scandal thing that happened there?”


“Well, some of the women there have formed a kind of coven-like deal. Or at least the locals are calling it that. Their twist to the story is interesting, and I want it. I have a phone meeting with one of them in ten minutes. Are you in Brussels?”

“Yeah, room service is coming up, then I’m gonna crash.”

“Okay, I’ll keep you in the know and I’ll talk to you in a couple of days. Again, I love it that you called, honey. Thanks for listening.”

“Always, sweetheart. Seriously, just shake it off. Things have a way of working out.”

“I hope so. Eat well, sleep well, and speak soon. I’m blowing you a kiss.”

“Got it. Later, babe.”

“’Bye, Hale.”

They’d barely disconnected before he was on the phone with Brandi.

“Get me Oskar Cohen immediately. He’s an attorney based in Boston,” Hale ordered.

“You got it.”

Rocco had approved his room service and Hale was eating it accompanied by an amazing Bordeaux when his phone rang.

It was Brandi.

“Got him,” she said. “Connecting in three…two…”

He heard the click and then called, “Oskar.”

“Let me guess what this is about,” Oskar sneered.

“Right, so we can dive right in then. You and Inger take the two million, you leave the house out of it. I’ll give you two days to save face before you cave on that.”

“Fuck you, Hale.”

Annoying response, but expected.

“If you don’t, in a week, I’ll own your firm, and you’ll be out of a job. I’ll then own your bank and foreclose on your mortgage. I will also have leaked the fact that Elsa Cohen’s mother carried on an affair with her father’s best friend for twenty years, and was now trying to take his family home, the one that sheltered the child of Jews who escaped the Holocaust. She won’t be able to show her face in Brooklyn, or anywhere, for a good long while. I will also hire a team of attorneys to represent your dad who will mire you so deep in motions and continuances and whatever the fuck games you all play to fuck with each other, you won’t be able to breathe. And your mother’s divorce will be in limbo for as long as they can possibly manage it, but you’ll still lose in the end, and they’ll humiliate you professionally in the process. You’ve got two doors to pick from, Oskar. Choose. Now.”

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Oskar whispered.

“Wait, I forgot. Take this as indication you never,neverfuck with Elsa or David again. Never, Oskar. I can’t stress that enough.”

“Are you two…getting married or something?”
