Page 218 of Fighting the Pull

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Dinner was done, and Hale had his arm stretched along the back of my chair. I was leaning into his side, head on his shoulder, hand on his thigh.

“Warning, this is so magnificent, I’m hiring Chloe as my wedding planner,” I informed him.

Hale shifted in a way I lifted my head and turned to him.

He was looking down at me, and his expression was not lighthearted.

“I’ll build you a glass platform in the middle of the ocean if that’s where you want to marry me.”

He meant that, my amazing man.

I stopped leaning into Hale’s side so I could press my front to his, and I curled my fingers at the side of his neck. “I’d be happy, just you and me and Cheddar and Frosty in front of the view from the windows in your living room.”

“Ourliving room.”


I slid my hand up to his cheek and he dipped down to kiss me.

He lifted and turned his head when he sensed something going on, and we both watched as Judge led Chloe to the dance floor.

The overskirt was gone, Chloe’s dress was now a stunning column. Her veil had also been removed, and a few white, sweetheart roses had been tucked in at one side of her chignon.

Judge pulled her into his arms, she rested her hands on his chest, and he’d already started them swaying before we heard the strings that introduced Peter Gabriel’s “The Book of Love.”

When Chloe recognized it, her face turned pink and scrunched a little to fight back the tears, but she lost the fight and shoved her face in Judge’s neck.

I had to grab Hale’s hand and hold it tight as we watched the couple do nothing but sway, her face in his neck, his lips to her ear, and I saw his mouth move as he sang the words along with Peter to his new wife.

It was on a sway I noticed her right hand slide up closer to Judge’s shoulder, and she was wearing a beautiful, sparkling set of wedding rings there.

I turned so my mouth was at Hale’s ear. “Are those rings her Mom’s from her Dad?”

Hale looked to me. “No. They’re something borrowed.”

“From Mika?” I guessed.

“No, from me, and eventually, you.”

Oh my God.

My throat closed, the wet came, and I had no chance to stop it.

It spilled down my cheeks.

“Judge picked this song,” he told me. “Chloe got to plan everything else, but Judge put his foot down that he picked this song, and Chloe didn’t get to know what it was, until right now.”

“Okay,” I whispered through my tears.

“We’re dancing to The Pogues’ ‘Love You Till the End.’”


He was killing me.

“Okay,” I repeated, my voice choked.

“Love you, baby,” he whispered.
