Page 73 of Fighting the Pull

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“I don’t have to say, I want you happy and it’s nice to know you’re seeing someone you like,” Tom said. “But just be careful with her.”

“She’s signed a comprehensive NDA,” Hale informed him.

Tom seemed relieved.

Hale wasn’t.

Because he now lived a life where every woman he dated had to sign the same thing. He couldn’t have them in his home, or his presence, or taking his dick, and gabbing about it.

The clip was obviously done, because Chloe was handing back the phone while bitching, “Damn, now I think I have to like her. At least a little bit.”

“It was a solid thing to do,” Rix said, now offering his phone to Tom, who had his hand stretched out for it.

Hale looked to Jamie to see his reaction to all of this, but he didn’t seem to have one.

Maybe Cadence was wrong that Jamie was there to ambush Hale. He always went out of his way to spend time with his son, who lived in Arizona, and since Judge was there, it wasn’t a surprise Jamie was as well.

“Okay, maybe I have an attitude because she outshined me with her dress,” Chloe said. “It was amazing. Perfect for her.”

“No she didn’t, sweetheart,” Judge murmured.

She shot a smile to her fiancé.

Hale kept his mouth shut, because Chloe looked beautiful Saturday night, but Elsa outshone everyone.

He took a sip of his beer and waited while Tom, with Mika pressed up to him, watched the interview and when they were done, Mika, looking mildly pissed, noted, “Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but as an objective observer who wasn’t around when all of that was happening, I think you should have let her air the interview. That woman seems like she deserved it.”

“No purpose to that, Mika,” Rix said, holding out his cell to Hale as an invitation to watch the interview.

“I’ll watch it later,” Hale said.

Rix nodded and pocketed the phone.

“I agree with Mika,” Chloe declared.

“Of course you do,” Tom said on a smile.

At this juncture, Mika pushed up from the sofa she shared with Tom. “I need to get upstairs. Since our group has expanded, we’re having make-your-own-nachos night. I need to check the queso.”

“Jesus, that sounds perfect,” Hale replied.

Mika smiled at him and gave his shoulder a squeeze as she walked by him. Cadence followed her mother, and Chloe headed up too.

That was when it happened.

It started with Jamie saying, “Prepare to be pissed at me.”

Hale braced.

“But I thought you’d told Tom about the emails,” Jamie finished.


“They’re not a big deal. It happens all the time, and they’ve stopped,” Hale instantly assured Tom.

“Actually, your security team sent one they received on Sunday to Kateri. She shared it with me,” Jamie said, now pulling out his phone, engaging it and handing it to Hale.

It had an email on it from a familiar address,[email protected].
