Page 81 of Fighting the Pull

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I was really into the guy.

“Get it,” Dad urged, and I looked to him to see his eyes were on my screen. He turned them to me. “I’ll be fine.”

“It’s rude, and I’m already late.”

“You aren’t going to text him through dinner, are you?” he teased.

I shook my head and picked up my phone to read Hale’s text.

I’ll send my car for you in an hour. He’ll be waiting outside the restaurant. No rush, he’ll just be there when you’re ready.

God, he was so sweet.

I texted back,I have to run to my place to pack a bag.

He’ll take you there too. His name is Paul. It’ll be a black Escalade.

OK. Thanks. I’ve just sat down with Dad. See you in a bit.And then I added three kissy-face emojis.

Tell him I said hello.

I sent a thumbs up, a red heart and the red lips emojis.

“Hale says hello,” I told Dad as I set my phone down.

“When you see him again, tell him hello back.” Weighty pause then, “And we’ll talk about him later.”

Great. Dad wanted to talk about Hale.

“Now, catch me up on you,” he ordered.

I launched in and this took us through me getting my wine (it was a good call to trust the server, delicious), and us ordering our meals and getting our appetizers.

“So I’m going to need to crunch some numbers with you,” I said to finish, considering Dad helped me with my budgeting, and even if he was a CPA, he did all my bookkeeping, not to mention, prepared my tax returns. “I want to hire another assistant and promote Zoey.”

“Elsa, honey, you have a lot of money,” Dad said slowly. “And you’re going to have A-list talent coming into your offices. I’ve already advised you need to invest in atmosphere. You need to invest in staff. This isn’t a shoestring operation anymore. You can’t make money without spending it. And you’re in a business where appearance is important. Put a good foot forward, including with appropriate staffing.”

I nodded.

“And if you have good staff, and yes, Zoey is exceptional, they need to know you appreciate them and not just you saying thank you,” Dad went on.

“Yes. You’re right.”

“Not to mention, every good leader knows when to delegate.”

He was correct yet again.

“So I approve of this plan, not that you need my approval,” he concluded.

I always needed my dad’s approval, and I loved that I could go to him and get his expertise and advice.

He went on, “But we’ll set up a meeting and go over everything so you understand it and are comfortable with it. Okay?”

I nodded. “Thanks.” I then shot him a huge smile and said, with feeling, “You’re the best, Dad.”

His expression changed completely.

Seeing it, I felt a tear start to form in my heart, and he blurted, “Your mother has left me for your Uncle Adam. They’ve been carrying on an affair for twenty years. We’re getting a divorce. And your brother is representing her.”
