Page 45 of Ruthless Vows

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Giana fucking Amato understands the assignment, ladies and gentleman.

Someone poundson the door of the room, and it completely breaks the unbelievably hot moment Dante and I were just sharing.

“What the fuck do you want?” Dante calls out, and my eyes trail to the outline of his hard cock.

The way he’s been palming himself as he watches me has only turned me on more.

What we just did… What I just did in front of him. It’s something I’ll never forget. Those few moments in time were some of the most adrenaline-spiking minutes I’ve ever had. Actually, I think it’s the absolute most adrenaline I’ve ever felt.

It was so hot watching him watch me, knowing I was completely on display for him… It was like something straight out of a romance movie or novel or some fucking smutty after-dark read. But I was living it.

Iamliving it.

“We have a guest on a pass who says she needs to speak with you,” a deep voice calls out, the barrier of the door the only thing separating my naked body from whoever is on the other side.

Dante clears his throat and scrubs a hand down his handsome face as he contemplates. His facial hair is so dark it’s almost black, and it pairs so well with his olive skin tone. Those amber eyes of his that were filled with unbridled lust only seconds ago now flash with annoyance and rage.

“Tell them to fuck off. I’m busy.”

Thank God.

“Tell me you’re ready to fuck tonight. Because I don’t know if I could stop myself if I tried. I meant what I said.” His words come out gritty and deep, as if he’s trying to mask his desire. “Seeing you on this bed, touching yourself, giving your body exactly what it craves… It fucking does something to me.” He shakes his head before looking at the ceiling. “Youfucking do something to me. I fucking hate it. I want to make that very clear. I don’t like that I want to fuck you more than I want my next fucking breath, but here we are.”

I pull him down by his collar so his body is flush with mine, and I kiss him the way he’s kissed me—unbridled and unrestrained. I don’t want to hear him say another word. I want him in every way I can have him tonight.

Dante parts my lips and his tongue darts in and out of my mouth, tasting me before he forcefully bites my lip, something I know is for sure going to bruise. I don’t care. I want more.

“Tell me I can fuck you, Giana,” he grits out. “Tell me that cunt is mine.”

My breath hitches. I love this man’s filthy mouth. How he speaks to me without any filter—giving himself to me in his truest form of raw depravity. I love knowing how badly this man wants me. How dire his need is for me. It sparks something so untamed and foreign inside me that I never want to let go of.

“You can fuck me. Come fuck your tight cunt, Dante.”

I do my best to match him—to give him back even a fraction of the filth he’s giving me. My body heats with the words, words I never dreamed of speaking aloud.

But I mean every syllable that falls from my lips.

I don’t want the Santiagos of the world.

I don’t want the boys who hit on me when Remi and I sneak out.

I want this man in front of me.

I want Dante.

He glances down to the engagement band on my finger, and I realize I didn’t take it off before coming tonight. When Remi and I came here the first night, I left it at her house. Then, it was such a close call at the diner because I wasn’t expecting to see him that night.

I can’t even remember what was going through my mind when he found me in the restroom, but neither of us said a word about the ring then. We were too wrapped up in each other.

But tonight…

Tonight, I was in such a rush to get here, and I’m horrified that I forgot about it. This is going to ruin everything.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK.

“I don’t care,” he grits out. “I don’t give a fuck. But I’ll tell you something, kitten. I refuse to fuck you while another man’s ring is on your finger.”

I’m shocked that he doesn’t ask questions, that he doesn’t “care,” but I’m also not about to argue with him. I make a move to take the ring off, but he lunges at me, forcefully rips the tainted metal from my finger, and throws it across the room.
