Page 9 of Ruthless Vows

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“I’m sorry, what? Your boss is going to put me in a lineup and choose one woman like we’re a herd of cattle and he’s picking the best in show? No, thank you.”

Remi turns toward me, yanks on my arm, and whispers, “G, I’ve heard stories about their boss. You sure you—”

She abruptly stops and looks past me just as I feel the air shift. Suddenly, half the oxygen of this room has been drained, and it’s been replaced by a heavy, suffocating, all-encompassing black cloud.

I stiffen. Freezing in place, my instincts kick into overdrive, and just as I’m about to turn around, a deep, velvety-smooth voice echoes in the narrow hallway, forcing my stomach to clench with an insatiable—and rather foreign—need.

“Good evening, ladies.”

Stepping around to stand in front of me is the most hauntingly beautiful man I’ve ever seen in all my life. The moment I look up and into the piercing dark eyes who own that soul-penetrating voice, my heart implodes in my chest, and I have no doubt in my mind that my jaw has dropped open.

His eyes flick between me and Remi before settling on me and then roving down my body and back up once more. His dark hair is cut close on the sides and sits longer on the top in a type of controlled chaos.

I can’t help but allow my gaze to roam over his features; the darkest, most entrancing eyes I’ve ever seen, equally dark facial hair, and a small, almost unnoticeable scar on the highest point of his right cheekbone. He’s got a chiseled, devastatingly perfect jawline, and just before I flutter my stare down to his impeccably tailored black suit, his tongue darts out to wet his plump lips.

NowI feel naked.

In front of this man as he unapologetically takes me in from head to toe, I feel like I’m on display. Cue my insecurities…

Guess the mask isn’t as beneficial as I thought.

“I’m Giana Carey,” I hear myself say, and I’m shocked at my feigned confidence in front of this man.

I’ve seen hundreds of handsome men come in and out of my house over the years, but this one in front of me… He’s just as ethereal as this entire place.

Remi nudges me, and I find it hard to believe that she’s at a loss for words. She’s never one to shy away from a painstakingly beautiful man, but it seems as if she’s just as affected as I am right now.

“And this is my friend Remi,” I say, weaving my fingers through hers and giving her hand a small squeeze.

The man smiles as one of the blondes steps toward him and places a mask over his face—without him needing to even lift a finger. It’s all black and leaves his high cheekbones, nose, and mouth uncovered.

Just when I think he may not have heard me, the euphoria-inducing melody of his voice comes alive once more.

“I know who you are.”


He knows who I am? That’s real fucking ominous, considering I’m doing my very best to make sure no one at this party has even a fraction of an idea who I am.

“Giana Carey,” he says, stepping closer. “Twenty-one, volunteer for Child Meets Book, an organization that helps get books into the hands of low-income children, guest of Tobias Sanchez.”

Shit. Why did I put down where I volunteer? He didn’t mention myactuallast name, which means he doesn’t know who I truly am—but that doesn’t stop my heart from clamoring around inside its gilded cage…or the shiver from crawling down my spine.

A smile spreads across his face, his dark-brown beard shifting as the corners of his mouth rise. “I’ve told my associate I’d like to spend time with you tonight.” He cocks his head toward the blonde. He adjusts the cuffs of his sleeves, peeling his eyes from mine, and looks up at me through his long eyelashes. “I usually go to extremes in order to investigate every single person who steps foot into my establishment”—he rights his posture and looks at me straight on—“but I’ve been rather busy this past week.” A small, deep chuckle escapes his lips. “Beheading people, murdering men who have done me wrong, jewelry heists. You know, normal, all-in-a-day’s-work type of business.”

His smile grows wider, and he laughs, this time much louder. The aftershocks of the reverberation shake me to my core.

But he’s teasing.

He’s not my father.

“Kidding, ladies,” he chuckles out, and it’s somehow even deeper than his initial greeting, evaporating what was left of my equilibrium. “I’ve been watching you since you walked in.” He looks directly at me. “I’m aware my associate told you I’d be meeting with you and a few other women, but I’m willing to spend all my time with you.”

I let out a laugh that’s a bit harsher than I intended, and the man in front of me cocks a dark brow.

“You’rewillingto spend your time with me?” I shake my head. “Am I supposed to be impressed because an attractive man decides I’m worthy of a few hours with him? Ichoosewho I want to spend my time with.”

The words come out of my mouth with a vengeance, and although I really wasn’t all that offended, apparently the attitude I’ve been holding in wants to come out and play. My words are a surprise even to me, and I have to resist the urge to bring my hand to my mouth and shut myself up.
