Page 14 of Micah

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“But you can use enthrallment to feed, can’t you?” Zac asks. “Doesn’t it cause arousal?”

I try not to be offended. He’s asking because he doesn’t know. Maybe it’s weird that he doesn’t know, but still, he’s trying to learn. “I’d only do that if I was genuinely starving and had no other options. Taking away someone’s right to consent is gross.”

He shudders. “I hadn’t thought of that. I liked it—when I was with an incubus who enthralled me, I mean. But he asked me beforehand if I was okay with it. I might have felt different otherwise.”

I smile at him. “Yeah. Even if you’re consensually having sex with someone, enthrallment is something that needs to be discussed.” I glance around the table. “Is it okay if I ask… You all seem kind of sheltered?”

Garrett starts to laugh, and I grin. I like him. He’s not as bold as Alistair, but also not as annoying. I think he and I could be friends… as long as I don’t get too caught up in work and neglect the friendship like I usually do.

That’s one thing about Alistair I can’t complain about. He doesn’t care if I forget he exists. He just cheerfully pops up in my life and reminds me.

“Yes,” Micah says. “I’ll explain in a minute. Can we just go back to feeding you for a second? I don’t want to fuck this up.”

Aww. That’s sweet. “It wouldn’t be you fucking up,” I point out. “It would be me. And I’ve done it heaps of times, so I’m not worried.”

“I am,” he counters. “We don’t have dial-a-sex-worker in Hortplatz,ora strip club. Is it safe to teleport you if you have starvation sickness?”

I shrug. How should I know? “I can’t see why not.”

He doesn’t look reassured. “And when you say ‘lethargic and spacey,’ does that mean I should be on the lookout for yawning? If I call your name and you don’t respond immediately, do I need to step in?”

“Depends. If you call my name and I don’t respond while we’re having dinner, and I’m also not really eating or paying attention to anything, then yeah, probably. But if I’m working on the puzzle, try calling a couple more times. I might just be concentrating.”

His frown gets deeper. “And what do I do? Take you to a strip club? Or should I find a reputable escort agency that will send someone on request?” He turns to Asher. “Your apartment in Zurich would probably be the best place.”

“Why don’t you just do what Alistair suggested?” Zac says slyly. “Once or twice a day, and you won’t need to worry about any of this.”

Micah’s face flushes dark pink. “Shut up,” he mutters, glaring at his cousin. It’s the cutest thing, and I prop my chin on my hand and enjoy the sight.

“What did Alistair suggest?” I ask.

The table falls silent, and all eyes turn to Zac. Who also blushes. “I think he was probably joking.”

“Great! I like to laugh.” I know I’m being a dick now, but these demons are kind of fun to torment. I never knew demons were so adorable. They spend all that time being glowery and grumpy, but turns out, they’re teddy bears.

Zac looks like he wants to be anywhere but here, and Micah’s buried his face in his hands. I was only teasing before, but now I really want to know. “He—uh. He said that Micah should… you know. While you guys are in the cave.”

Ah. I actually do know, because this is a joke Alistair has made before. From anyone else, having a houseguest offer to “watch porn and wank in the guest bedroom if you need me to” would be creepy and disturbing, but somehow, he makes it not weird.

I’m not sure how.

Regardless, I’m having too much fun to say anything other than, “He should what?” and blink innocently.

Micah gives an agonized moan, and Zac swallows hard. “Uh… masturbate.” He says the word so fast, it’s almost unintelligible.

“Ohhhhh.” I nod. “Sure. That would help.”

Micah whips his head up. “What?”

The horror on his face is too much for me, and I start to laugh. By the time I’ve got it under control enough to speak, they’re all in on the joke.

“That was mean,” Zac chides, but he’s grinning. “I nearly sweat blood.”

“Sorry, but it was too much fun to pass up.” I flick a glance at Micah, whose face is no longer nearly purple. “For the record, any enjoyable sexual activity—like masturbation—would help to feed me, but I definitely don’t expect you to get your cock out in a cave. I’ll be fine. If you’re worried, you can check in with me regularly about whether I need to feed.”

“Wow,” Garrett says. He seems to have enjoyed the past few minutes as much as I have. “You mean Micah doesn’t have to go all control freak? He could justaskyou how you’re feeling?”

“I’m not a control freak,” Micah argues. “You’re confusing me with your husband.”
