Page 17 of Micah

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He smiles brightly. “Oh, good. I can tell you want me, but that doesn’t always mean a person wants to act on it, you know? And you totally don’t have to. But if you’re up for it, sex would be nice.”

Sex would be… nice.

It takes a second for my brain to fully process what’s on offer. “Yes! Sex would be nice. We can have sex. If you’re sure you want to,” I add, my conscience nagging me. “Please don’t be concerned about not being fed or anything. We can make sure you get enough sexual energ—”

His laugh cuts me off. “Trust me, Micah, if I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t be offering.”

Finally, I manage to pull myself together. “Then yes, I absolutely want to have sex with you.”

“Great! Come on. This room isn’t going to suit what I have in mind.” He grabs my hand and leads the way into the hall, then unerringly to the master bedroom. He flips the light switch, and I gasp.

“You’ve been robbed!” His stuff is strewn from one side of the room to the other; on the bed, the floor, the dresser. There’s even a sock hanging from the curtain rod. “Stay here while I make sure they’re not still here.” I can hardly make myself believe it—we have such a low crime rate here. Who would break into the house of a man who came here tohelpus? It’s not like he’s going to have a lot of stuff worth stealing—he’s only visiting.

“I’ve been robbed?” He grabs my arm. “No, don’t go—what if they hurt you? Call for help first. Let’s lock the door.” Pulling me the rest of the way into the room, he closes the door and snibs the lock. It’s not going to stop anyone who wants to get in, but it’ll give us warning, at least. I stride over to the en suite bathroom and make sure the thief isn’t hiding in there.

“Okay,” I declare, pulling out my phone as Cam goes through his things. He seems most worried about the tools laid out on the dresser. “I’ll call my cousins, and we’ll make sure the house is secure. Did they take anything valuable?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t think they’ve taken anything at all. There was a TV in the other room, wasn’t there? Maybe they got that.” He starts toward the door, as though he’s going to check, and asks over his shoulder, “How did you know I’d been robbed, anyway?”


I look around the room again. Could this be the way he left it? “Hold up a second.” He stops and turns toward me. “I’m not sure how to say this without sounding like a judgmental asshole.”

“A judgmental asshole?” He seems confused, and then a grin spreads across his face. “Ohhh. A judgmental asshole. Yes, Micah. I’m a messy person. Don’t tell me: you’re a neat freak.”

I wince. “Not exactly. But… the sock, for example?” I point to the curtain rod.

He glances up. “Oh yeah. It was in my way.”

The sock was in his way. And somehow that led to it being thrown onto the curtain rod.

I nod, because I don’t know what else to do. “I’m not familiar with that method of sock storage,” I say, sounding like an idiot.

He laughs, and the sound thrills through me, making my dick chub up in my jeans. “Just to be clear,” he starts, “if I tell you this mess was made by me, that means nobody broke in and we can start getting our clothes off?” His gaze meets mine, amused and direct and full of promises.

My mouth goes dry. “Yes.”

“Excellent.” He sidles closer and lays a hand on my chest.

“Very excellent.” I don’t know what else to say. My cock is straining against denim. Thinking is beyond me right now.

“Before we get naked and sweaty,” he says, his tone suddenly serious, “we need to talk about what sex with an incubus is like.”

I blink a few times and then realize what he means. “You mean enthrallment?”

He nods. “We don’t have to do that. It’s not necessary for me to have and enjoy sex.”

That’s good to know, but… “What if I want to?”

His grin flashes before he hides it behind his serious face again. “Then we can. A light enthrallment won’t completely take away your ability to think for yourself. It will ramp up the sexual connection and make things… hazier.” He hesitates. “You need to be very sure you want to do this, because once you’ve been enthralled, your decision-making will be impaired.”

He looks up at me earnestly, and I want to take hold of him and never let go. His concern for my consent is heartwarming.

“I trust you not to do anything that would cross my boundaries,” I tell him. “I want to do this with you. As far as what happens… just ordinary sex this time—no experimenting or kink.”

Cam nods. “I think you should top this first time.” He pauses. “Uh… you do top, right? I like to switch.”

“I top,” I assure him. In fact, I’ve only ever topped. Does this mean he might want me to bottom in future? I’m not sure how I feel about that.
