Page 43 of Micah

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“What?” Gideon and I say it at the same time.

“Fifteen minutes, Cam” is all Alistair says before the line goes dead. I pull my phone away from my ear and blink at it a few times. I guess I’m waiting fifteen minutes.

I pass the time watching YouTube videos and coming up with reasons why Alistair and Gideon, who work directly for the lucifer, would be at work on a Saturday afternoon. Not many of those reasons are good.

When the phone rings in my hand, I answer it fast. I forgot to put it on silent mode, and I don’t want to wake Micah. “Alistair?”

“Never fear, Cam, the whole team is here!”

“Great!” I pause. “What team?”

“Me, Caolan, Andrew, and Gideon.”

“This is stupid,” a voice I recognize from before says. “I’m leaving.”

“Remember what I said.” Even I can hear the threat in Alistair’s voice. I don’t want to know what he said that makes Gideon grumble and stay.

“Thanks for coming?” I have no idea who any of the others are, but I guess Alistair thinks they can help.

“It’s a true love plot!” someone says. I don’t recognize the accent. “I’m thrilled to be included.”

“That’s Caolan,” Alistair tells me. At least, I assume he’s telling me. “Right, Cam. Tell us what we need to know.”

I flounder a little. “I love Micah and want to live with him forever.”

“Didn’t you just meet him two weeks ago?” Gideon asks.

“What does time matter when love’s involved?” Alistair declares dramatically. “How dare you try to keep them from each other!”

“It was only a question.”

“The question was just an excuse for you to share your unsupportive—”

“Let’s get back on track,” another voice interrupts. This one has a French accent—I know, because I spent the whole day listening to French people.

“Micah took me to Les Machines de L’ile today,” I tell them all.

There’s a pause while they try to process that. “What’s that?” Alistair asks.

I explain, then tell them about dinner, and the cherry picker he got for me even though all the people who had to help bitched about it. I tell them about all the times he stops me from bumping into things, and how he makes sure I eat properly and remembers what foods I like, and the way he looks at me like he’s smiling on the inside. “He likes me,” I finish. “I don’t annoy him, and he enjoys spending time with me. I would do anything for him.”

“You have to marry him,” Caolan breathes. “In a ceremony under the cherry blossoms.”

“There aren’t any cherry trees in Hortplatz,” Gideon points out.

“So they can get married somewhere else. Just think how romantic it would be.”

“We can plan the wedding later,” the French guy—who, by the process of elimination, must be Andrew—says. “I agree that things between you are going in the right direction. Have you talked to him about your feelings?”

Talked to him?My jaw drops in horror, and I sputter.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Alistair soothes. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You don’t have to talk to Micah about your feelings. Honestly, Andrew, what’s wrong with you? Of all the stupid suggestions. I told Cam my bros wouldhelp, not say dumb things.”

“It would resolve the situation,” Gideon starts, but Alistair drowns him out.

“That’sit! Gideon will talk to Micah.”

“What?” I ask.
