Page 50 of Micah

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“Ronan is going to be our expert consultant on all things dragon,” Garrett says. From the looks of Ronan’s face, he’s deeply unhappy about this.

Cam must be thinking the same thing, because he says, “You’ll love the village. I know the snow seems daunting, but trust me, everyone here will take really good care of you. Plus, you’ve got wings and all, so you can come and go as you please. And the cave is so exciting! I can’t wait to get the door open.”

If anything, Ronan’s expression becomes even more tragic. He’s the other twin, but they don’t seem much alike apart from their looks. Of course, it’s hard to tell for sure when Ronan looks like he wants to curl up and die, and Steffen looks like he wants everyone else to die.

The awkward moment is broken when Fabian says, “Brrr! It might be a sunny day, but man, it’s cold! When you told us to wear winter gear, you weren’t kidding.”

“Let’s get you inside,” Garrett says instantly. “The village council wants to meet you, anyway. We’ll get that done, get something hot to drink, and then I bet you want to see the cave.”

“Yes!” Fabian cries emphatically, while Wil nods. Ronan says nothing.

“Has there been much progress since I was here last?” Steffen asks as we turn and start heading back toward the main part of the village. Most of the crowd has wandered off, since a bunch of men standing around talking aren’t as interesting as dragons.

“I haven’t been there this week,” Garrett admits. “I’m trying to pace myself. Micah?”

“Lots of progress,” I confirm. “I’ll let Cam explain it when we get there, but he discovered that the puzzle is layered. Just wait until you see—I still can’t believe it sometimes, and I see it every day.”

“Puzzles are like that,” Cam agrees, slipping a hand into mine. “They constantly delight and amaze.”

“The puzzle Cam made me is amazing,” Chloe confirms from his other side. “You have to move all the parts to solve it. He’s coming to our school this week to show everyone else how they work, but Isaac and me already know because he made us some.”

“Mine is hard,” Isaac admits, “but Cam helped me. He’s the best. My mom says Micah better keep him, or she’ll start thinking he’s a changeling because no child of hers would be dumb enough to let Cam go.”

My brain freezes. My mother saidwhat?

Garrett coughs, and when I glance over at him, his face is alight with stifled laughter. “Cam’s definitely special” is all he says.

Cam, who hasn’t reacted to my brother’s comments in any way—maybe he thinks it’s just more matchmaking?—twists around to look at Ronan. “See how nice they all are?”

“Too bad Ronan can’t date Micah too,” Fabian says blithely.

Wil winces. “Fabian—”

“Unless you’re polyamorous? Then it could work out. Hey, Ronan, are you even into men? I just realized I don’t know that about you.”

“Yes.” Ronan’s voice is low. “But, uh… one at a time. And not other people’s.”

“Good,” Cam declares before Fabian can say anything else. “I’m sure polyamory works for a lot of other people, but I’m a little possessive.”

“What’s possive mean?” Isaac asks, and I look around for my parents or any relative. Asher, the asshole, is smirking.

“Possessive,” Cam stresses the word, “means I don’t like sharing.”

My brother shakes his head. “Me neither, but you should try. Sometimes people just want to play with your stuff for a little while, and then they give it back.”

Asher laughs out loud, and there are a few snickers from the dragons. Garrett and Cam are the only ones who seem to be able to keep straight faces.

“Cam will have to try that out,” Garrett says solemnly. “I see your dad over there. We’re going to the council meeting now, so you’d better go with him.”

“Okay. C’mon, Chloe.” He takes off in Dad’s direction, shouting over his shoulder, “Bye! It was nice meeting you!”

“I can’t wait until Cecylia is that age. Do you think she’ll be that cute?” Fabian asks. “Maybe Rhys and I should start planning to have a fledgling.”

“Really?” Wil asks, even as Steffen’s eyes widen in alarm. “You lost your socks four times last week.”

Fabian blinks at him. “So?”

“So do you really think you’re ready for a fledgling?”
