Page 63 of Micah

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What would be worse, insulting the dragons and causing political mayhem, or karaoke with a hellhound? It’s hard to say.

But they returned with, if not smiles, at least relief. Garrett wouldn’t share the details, and Asher won’t risk upsetting Garrett, but they did say that Ronan isn’t speciesist and has promised to make more of an effort. That’s the best we can ask for, really. Even if it does mean we’re currently setting up for a karaoke tournament.

A fucking tournament. Because it’s not enough that we need to sing for no good reason, we also have to compete against each other.

It’s hard to stay mad, though, when I see how excited Cam is. He and Garrett have cast from Garrett’s karaoke app (which apparently no hellhound goes without) to the big TV in the living room, and they’re scrolling through the song selection. Garrett’s leaning more toward Billie Holiday and Celine Dion, while Cam’s declared he’s going through an Adele phase.

Zac brings me a bottle of shifter brew, and I take it eagerly. I don’t normally drink that much, but I feel like alcohol is going to be needed to get me through tonight. “Thank you.”

“I’d say you’re welcome, but what I really want to know is why I’m here,” my cousin grumbles. “I don’t have a karaoke-loving boyfriend to make happy.”

“True,” I agree. “But if you leave and it makesmykaraoke-loving boyfriend unhappy, I’ll make sure you regret it forever.” Pleasure thrills through me when I refer to Cam as my boyfriend.Myboyfriend. It’s been a week since we agreed that’s what we are to each other, and the joy of it still hasn’t worn off. “Speaking of my boyfriend, we’re going to need your help moving his stuff. I’ll let you know when.” We haven’t worked out the details yet, but Cam wants to stay focused on getting the puzzle solved first. That should still give us time to work out the logistics of him moving here and get it done before he needs to start work again.

Zac huffs. “Oh, yay. I finally get to realize my lifelong dream of being a pack mule.” He shoots me a sidelong smile. “Seriously, you and Asher are so lucky I don’t hate you.”

“Don’t hate us because you’re jealous,” I say mock-solemnly, my gaze on Cam’s happy face. “Grandmother’s already thinking about who she can match you with. And your mom is helping her.”

He rolls his eyes. “Don’t remind me. Maybe I should have convinced Cam to fake date me that night at dinner. Then they’d be switching their focus to you, and I could go on my merry way.”

I shake my head. “No, that wouldn’t have worked.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’d have killed you.” I smile widely, and he laughs.

“You’d have tried.” He pauses. “But maybe I should give more thought to fake dating someone. It worked for Asher.”

We both look over at Asher, who’s listening to Garrett explain that he needs to pick his “signature karaoke style” with a besotted expression on his face.

“Only with more emphasis on the fake part,” Zac adds. “Too bad there’s nobody.”

I consider that. He’s right in the sense that anyone local who knows Grandmother would probably either flat-out refuse to deceive her or break down when faced with her and confess all. That would be bad. But… “What about Ronan?” I suggest, tongue-in-cheek. “He’s new and will be here for at least a few months. You could tell Grandmother there’s a connection between you and delay any serious attempts at her setting you up with someone else.”

Zac’s shaking his head before I’m even done talking. “That’s a firm no.”

“Oh?” He’s not usually this easy to torment. “But why? I think he’d be an excellent fake match for you.” I hide my smile as he glances scornfully at me.

“He wouldn’t. I can’t stand being in the same room as him. There’s no way I could convince anyone I was attracted to him. Not that he’d agree anyway. He’s a miserable son of a bitch with no sense of humor.”

I’m taken aback by both his words and his tone. I knew Zac didn’t like Ronan—I’m not exactly a fan of him myself—but this seems to go beyond that.

Before I can think of a way to ask why he hates him so much, he continues, “Maybe I should invent a fake boyfriend like you did for Asher. Only I’ll be careful not to use any names or details of real people.”

“Where would you have met them?” I ask reasonably. “It worked—kind of—for Asher because he spends so much time in Zurich. You spend all your time here or somewhere else on the mountain. Unless your secret fake boyfriend is a hermit living in a cave, nobody’s going to believe you have a relationship you just haven’t mentioned.”

“Whose boyfriend is a hermit in a cave?” Cam asks, bounding over to us and nearly tripping on the corner of the coffee table. I catch his arm and steady him.

“Nobody’s. We’re just joking about Zac’s lack of a dating life.”

Cam makes a sympathetic face. “I bet you’re feeling lonely now that your two closest cousins are hooked up,” he commiserates. “Don’t worry, Zac. Garrett and I would never make them cut you out, would we, Garrett?”

“No way,” Garrett declares emphatically. “We’re all family now. Hey, we should make karaoke night a regular family event!”

Zac’s eyes widen, but before he can say anything, Cam adds, “Pub trivia too. That’s so much fun. And maybe once the snow starts to clear and more people are coming to see the village, we can find someone special for Zac. Garrett, do you know anyone we could set him up with?”

They start talking about people they know who would be “perfect for an outdoorsy demon,” and Zac slowly turns a horror-filled look my way.

“You made itworse.”
