Page 7 of Micah

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Micah looks a little confused. “Do you want to go and do that now?”

Aw, he’s sweet. I reach up and pat his cheek. The light bristle of his five o’clock shadow against my hand is… nice. Tingly nice. “Nah, that’s fine. I guess I should have dinner, though. Is there somewhere we can go? I’m not the best cook. Plus I have no groceries. Do I? Does my place even have a kitchen?”

He’s starting to look like he regrets ever inviting me to eat with him. “The pub serves dinner. There’s a diner and a coffee shop that are open during the day, but they close at four. Your house has agreatkitchen”—he puts a weird emphasis on “great,” and I wonder if he has a kitchen fetish—“and we stocked it with basic groceries, but there’s no need for you to cook tonight. If you don’t feel like going out, I can cook. Or we can eat with my cousins. They’d love to meet you.”

I scrunch up my face. “The five-year-old?”

He chuckles—an actual baby laugh. It suits him. “No, Isaac will be home with our parents. My older cousins were also part of the group who discovered this cave. And Garrett—do you know him? He’s Alistair’s cousin.”

I relax. “I don’t know him, but if he’s related to Alistair, we’re already friends.” Any friend of Alistair’s is a friend of mine.

Micah shakes his head. “Sure. Of course. Come on, let’s get back to the village. We’ll sort out dinner there.”

I cast one last longing glance at my pretty. Tomorrow, I’ll get to play with it.



Impatiently,I listen to the phone ring. He better damn well pick u—

“Did you get him? Garrett’s about to burst a blood vessel here.” Asher doesn’t bother with anything as mundane as a greeting. I can’t believe he manages to negotiate multimillion-dollar agreements with those social graces.

“Hello to you too,” I snark. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“Why wouldn’t you be fine? I saw you just a couple hours ago. Did you go get Camden?”

I give up. “Cam,” I correct. “He prefers to be called that.”

“He prefers to be called Cam,” Asher relays to Garrett. Why he doesn’t just put the phone on speaker, I have no idea.

“He’s checking his tools,” I continue, then stifle a snort. That came out way dirtier than it was meant to. “The work tools he brought with him,” I clarify, but Ash doesn’t even seem to have noticed. He’s always been overly responsible and kind of boring. “What are you guys having for dinner? Is there room for us?”

“Zac’s cooking. I think he said something about chunky soup and cheese toasties?”

My mouth waters. Zac’s nowhere near a gourmet cook, but his chunky beef and vegetable soup is always good. “I’ll check with Cam, but if I don’t call you back, we’ll be there in about twenty minutes.” He shouldn’t need more than that to check his tools (haha), right?

Maybe I can offer to check them for him.

I hang up on whatever Asher’s saying to give that intriguing idea some more thought. There’s no denying how attracted I am to Cam. If we hadn’t been standing in the middle of a street, likely to be mugged any second, at a time when I was supposed to be bringing him here, I would have kissed him before. My common sense might have won that battle, but even my common sense thinks he’s sexy and wants to spend some fun time with incubus dick.

The thing is… I’m not sure if he’s attracted to me too. Ithinkhe is, but incubi are known to be flirty. They feed off sexual energy, and an intense flirtation can be a nice snack for them. Or so I’ve heard. I’m still not completely clear on how it works. Whatever, I don’t want to assume that he’s into me and make a move that might make him feel uncomfortable because he was just being himself. I need a sign.

“Hey, Micah, is there anywhere in town I can buy some toothbrushes?” He bounces into the open-plan living area where I’m standing, almost but not quite bashing his shoulder against the doorframe.

“Uh, yeah. The supermarket has them. It’s closed now, but I’m sure I have a spare at home if you forgot to pack yours.”

He waves that off. “Oh no, it’s in case I need them to clean off the rust. I have one in my kit, but that’s a big wall.”

Can’t argue with that. “I was just talking to my cousin Asher.” I change the subject. “He’s the one who’s married to Alistair’s cousin, Garrett. Did you want to eat with them tonight? My other cousin, Zac, is cooking beef stew.”

His already glowy face lights up. “Homemade stew? That soundsdivine. Will there be crusty bread too?”

“Cheese toasties, Asher said.”

He frowns for a second. “Oh, you mean grilled cheese. That’s even better than crusty bread. Cheese makes everything better.”

I leap on that opportunity. “If you like cheese, some of the best cheesemakers in the world are in this region. Maybe one day we can go and see them, get some samples.” I try not to cringe.Get some samples?I’m not usually this bad at life.
