Page 71 of Micah

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I hit the contact for Cam’s phone, then turn in horror when it rings behind me. It’s lying on the floor by the closet.

Time to call for help.

“Micah?” Garrett says into my ear. “I thought you and Cam were packing today.”

“We are. Something’s happened. I need your nose, now.” There’s a faint tremor in my voice, and I breathe deeply. I was hoping it would calm me, but all it does is draw more of the combined Cam/stranger scent into my nostrils.

“Are you okay? Hold on, I’m getting Zac.”

Fuck. I forgot he’s at the cave with Zac and Ronan. No, wait… he can’t be at the cave, or the call wouldn’t have gone through. I probably should have called Gideon, anyway. He’s the one with Enforcement contacts.

I open my mouth to tell Garrett not to worry, when my gaze catches on Cam’s workbench. Or, more specifically, on the gleam of red blood on the corner.


“Micah? Micah!” Zac’s yelling in my ear, and I force myself to focus. Cam needs me.

“I’m here. I think Cam’s been kidnapped.”

There’s a pause while Zac probably wonders why anyone would kidnap a man who makes puzzles. I don’t know, and I don’t care. I just want him back.

“Send me a location picture,” my cousin says, proving that he’s got my back even when he’s not sure what the fuck is going on. “We’re coming.”

I disconnect the call, step back into the kitchen, and snap a picture of the counter with our sandwiches on it. I don’t want them teleporting into the workroom and potentially messing up evidence.

Only seconds after I send the text, I feel the tingle of an incoming teleport and Zac and Garrett appear in the middle of the kitchen. Garrett takes a moment to orient himself, then inhales deeply. “Human,” he declares. “Male. Fully mature, I think. Cam was here too. Neither of them spent long in this room, though.”

Silently, I point toward the workroom, and Garrett heads in that direction. “Call Ronan and tell him we’re not coming,” he says over his shoulder to Zac. “And let Asher know what’s happening. And you should probably call Gideon or Alistair. If a human took Cam, we’re going to need CSG’s help.”

“I’ll call Gideon,” I tell Zac, incredibly grateful that we have an in at the highest level of government. I don’t think I could handle dealing with some random Enforcement officer right now.

My cousin answers his phone on the first ring. “Micah, I’m busy. I’ll call—”

“Cam’s been kidnapped by a human,” I blurt, and Gideon stops midsentence.

“How is that possible? The roads are closed.”

I shake my head, even though he can’t see it. “No, we’re at his place. We were going to pack his stuff. I had to leave for a while, and now he’s gone. Garrett can smell a human here, and there’s Cam’s blood.” The words come out in a jumble.

“A human?” Gideon’s voice sharpens, then becomes muffled as he says to someone else, “Where’s Alistair?”

Garrett comes back out of the workroom, his face grim. “Don’t freak out, Micah, but Cam’s injured.”

Even though I already knew that, I still feel the blood drain from my head. Zac’s hand clamps onto my shoulder, and I turn to see his concerned gaze on me, even as he talks into the phone held to his ear.

“Micah?” Gideon barks, grabbing my attention.

“Yes. Garrett says Cam’s injured.”

“Send me a location pic,” my cousin orders. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Stay where you are—we don’t need trouble with the humans.”

Before I can retort that a human kidnapping my boyfriend means wealreadyhave trouble with them, he ends the call. I send him the picture of the kitchen counter, and then Zac, Garrett, and I retreat to the hallway to wait.

It feels endless.

Garrett sniffs. “Is that human?” He strides toward the front door, and I remember what I smelled earlier.

“Is it the same one?” I trail after him as he throws open the door, but he shakes his head.
