Page 55 of Twisted Sorcery

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“Right, we picked her up in Rán. Most of the girls trust or even love the people exploiting them for their blood, so it’s impossible to get them out.But this one actually found Celeste and asked for her help, so Celeste had us pick her up. Celeste thought she could stay here until things cool down.”

Mel gives me an apologetic grin, “Do you mind looking after her until she gets back?”

I sigh. “Of course I don’t.”

“Brilliant, thank you!”

Mel is already on her way to the door when I hold her back. “Wait!”

They both turn to look back at me.

“I… I found this in Celeste’s office.” I hand the phone to Mel.

Mel turns it in her hand and looks at me with a questioning expression. “It’s a phone. Celeste has, like, a hundred burner phones.”

“Yes, I know it’s a phone!” My voice is more irritated than intended. “And I happen to know the person it belongs to. So why does Celeste have it?”

Ibrahim takes the phone from Mel’s hand. “What are you suggesting is the reason?”

I throw my hands up. “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you!”

Mel looks at me like I’m the dumbest person on earth. “We don’t exactly do petty crime, Deni, so it’s not like Celeste stole your friend’s phone.”

“I know that!” I snatch the phone back from Ibrahim’s hand. “Forget I asked.”

Ibrahim gives me an encouraging smile. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Just ask her about it.”

I spin the phone in my hand.Nothing.“I will.” Then, worried that they think I’m some kind of paranoid nutjob, I add, “I’m just a little on edge with everything–” I gesture at the mess, “that’s going on.”

To say goodbye, I walk to the door and see them off. Before going, Mel elbows me and says, “She must really like you to let you see her like this,” with a look on her face that suggests this is somehow an achievement on my part.

I slip Mav’s phone into my back pocket. “I guess.”


It takes a while for the girl – Emelie, I think, I’m too wired to remember – to find her tongue, which is perfectly understandable and yet profoundly awkward. I make tea and continue to tidy up, even though I have no clue where anything belongs, just so I don’t have to think about Mav.It doesn’t make sense.

After everything that’s happened, I find I have a surprisingly good grip on situations like these and try to put her at ease with meaningless chatter. Eventually, our conversation turns to witchcraft.

“I knew about Miss De Villiers only through her books. It’s a little crazy to think I could meet her in person.”

I blink dumbly at her.Miss De Villiers? Books?“Which… uh… books in particular?”

She smiles shyly. “I have them all. Well… except for the banned one, obviously. But I think maybeCasting Shadowsis my favourite?”

Squatting awkwardly, I try to sweep most of the broken parts of a vase into a dustpan.Why, Celeste? Was there meant to be drugsinsidethe vase?“That’s a good one…” I spitball. “What in particular do you like about it?”

Emelie, who has lit up the moment we started talking about Celeste, rubs her hands on her knees. “I know it’s controversial and a lot of people are angry that she shares all this knowledge that is meant to be a secret but… I know a few witches who would have never had access to that kind of knowledge otherwise, certainly not me. It changed my life.”

“Oh! Would you excuse me for a moment?” I gesture to the dustpan. “I just have to get rid of this.”

“Yeah, of course.”

When I get to the kitchen, I fling the shards into the trash with unwarranted aggression. Why am I angry?

Avoiding the living room, I go through the hallway and into the library. Of course, Celeste has her books sorted alphabetically – even though anyone sane would sort them by colour – and I’m not sure whetherDe Villiersstarts with D or with V. When I do eventually find them, it feels a little surreal.

“Casting Shadows: The Art of Spellwork and Ritual” is nestled beside “Lunar Magic: Harnessing the Power of Moon Phases and Cycles”, both by a certain C L De Villiers. There is also “The Complete Grimoire: A Personal Journal of Magic and Craft”, which I gently pull from the shelf. It is an exquisitely bound volume, something even I can appreciate.
