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They strolled to the taverna, chatting about a myriad of things, their journey accompanied by a soft, jasmine-infused breeze tickling the leaves of the lemon trees and the occasional scooter zipping past them on the way to the harbour. There had been a noticeable decrease in traffic over the last few days as they moved from September into October, but Oia still attracted busloads of holidaymakers keen to witness the perfect sunset from such an iconic location.

Suzie recalled the conversation she’d had with Giorgos and how ambivalent he felt about the level of tourism the island attracted; on the one hand, he and his fellow business owners – including Katerina – had to make a living to support their families, but on the other hand, the increase in the number of visitors, especially those that arriveden massefrom the enormous cruise ships, was unsustainable and the island’s infrastructure was beginning to crumble under the strain.

It was a conundrum that required urgent attention if Santorini was to survive.

‘Guys, guys, I’m so glad you’re here! Look what’s just arrived!’

Heidi came running across the veranda towards them, waving several small glass jars in the air like a cheerleader’s pompoms. As usual, her hair was tied into a high ponytail and her makeup was more Vegas showgirl than Santorini siren, but Suzie had to admit that she looked young, fresh, and full of energy, even though she knew Heidi must have been on her feet since seven that morning dashing between the kitchen and the taverna’s hungry patrons. However, that afternoon she was even more exuberant than usual, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she joined them at their table.

‘What are they?’ asked Suzie, taking one of the glass jars and studying the beautifully designed labels.

‘Samples of my new skincare range! There’s a whole box of them on the table over there. Help yourselves! I really need to know what you think, so I want you to be honest.’

Heidi pointed to one of the taverna’s spare tables where three large cardboard boxes had been ripped open and their contents spilt at random onto the blue and white tablecloth, and a couple of the taverna’s patrons were inspecting the various products with interest. Sitting at the adjacent table was Nathan, his pen poised above his notebook, the expression on his face one of intense concentration, his forehead wrinkled as he chased down the clearly elusive inspiration pixies with the help of one of Stefanos’ own-recipe moussakas.

Whilst Suzie understood that jewellery design was different to creative writing, she knew how hard it was to summon inspiration when under pressure to do so, and when he glanced up from the page he’d been scribbling on, she tried to offer him a smile of sympathy, but to her surprise, instead of returning her supportive gesture, he quickly averted his eyes.

‘Mmm, this smells amazing, Heidi,’ said Katerina, trying to keep the shock from her voice as she sniffed one of the jars. ‘What do you think, Suzie?’

Suzie unscrewed the lid of the glass jar Heidi had handed to her, rehearsing her response in case it was as disturbing as the fragrance her friend had chosen to wear that day: a jarring blend of burnt toast and marker pens with just a faint after-note of roses. However, she was relieved to discover that she could be “honest”, just as Heidi had asked, because the white gloop smelled rather pleasant.

‘I love it.’

‘That’s the cleanser, which I’ve made using only natural ingredients, and this is the toner, here, and I’ve got moisturiser and hand cream, too. Don’t you just adore these labels that Miranda helped me to design and Darius has printed for me? You know, I think this might be my best idea yet!’

‘Well, you definitely have your first customer,’ said Suzie, rubbing a dollop of the hand cream into her hands, relishing the delicate fragrance of cucumber and mint.

‘Thanks, Suzie, andI’llbeyours!’

‘Mine? What do you mean?’

‘Well, I assume you’re taking commissions?’

‘Commissions?’ Suzie gaped at Heidi. ‘I’m sorry, I’m not sure I—’

‘Didn’t you get my text? I saw your… erm,quirkyvase on Instagram and I’ve had a great idea! Why don’t you start your own business, too? Suzie’s Suggestively-Shaped Ceramics! Oh, oh, and I’ve got lots of other ideas I could share with you! What about diversifying into—’

‘Heidi, table six are waiting for their desserts,’ said Giorgos, as he rushed by with his hands full.

‘Sorry, Giorgos, I’m on my way.’

Suzie was relieved at Giorgos’ interruption of Heidi’s empire building plans, but before she left to collect a tray full of Stefanos’ home-made lavender and honey ice cream, Heidi leaned towards her, her expression serious for a moment.

‘I’m here if you need me, Suzie.’

‘Erm… thanks, Heidi.’

‘And don’t forget about Monday night. I’ll see you at my place at five for your makeover. Miranda will be there too, along with a couple of her friends you met at the book club. Oh, I just can’t wait! It’s going to be an absolute blast!’

Chapter Seventeen

The day of Giorgos’ Greek dance class – and Heidi’s first makeover session – dawned with a cloud-free sky and a welcome reduction in temperature from sizzling to pleasantly warm with a noticeable breeze. Now that October had properly arrived, footfall at the gallery had dropped significantly, and Katerina had taken the decision to close the gallery early some days. Like the taverna, Monday was their least busy day, so it meant Suzie could have a long relaxing lunch before heading to the apartment Heidi shared with a friend from Wales who had also taken a job at a taverna in Oia for the summer.

After making herself a cup of peppermint tea, she strolled outside to sit on the tiny balcony of Amber’s studio apartment and watch the world go by. It was quieter than usual, with a noticeable lack of tooting horns and loud, exuberant conversation floating up from the alleyway below as visitors made their way towards the seafront. The shutters of the luxury villa opposite were tightly sealed, and she hadn’t seen anyone using the jacuzzi for over a week, which was a relief as several guests had taken to bathing in the nude, which had been a little disconcerting when she was trying to eat her breakfast.

She tipped her head towards the sun, closing her eyes as she filed away the memory of the warmth on her cheeks for when she was back in Devon, trudging through the rain on Archie’s twice daily walks. As she had no home to return to, it was difficult to envisage which routes would be best in the autumn and winter months, and she made a mental note to ask Holly for recommendations of the best dog-friendly footpaths. She missed her faithful canine friend, but anticipating that, Holly had made sure to send her regular photographs of him having fun with Ariel and Max on the beach and in the woodland that surrounded Blossomwood Manor.
